Fuck Life

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So do any of you have a back up job? Like if you don't end up getting your dream job you can fall back on the other.

I did it was to be quite professional chef. So all week Of have been making my family dinner, never once did they say it was good. I made up all the recipes and all they said was thank you for making food.

Last night I made a stir fry with beef, water chestnuts, green beans, mushrooms, bok choy, snow peas, and hindori garlic sauce.

Since I was having doubts about my cooking I took it to school to have my friends try it. Only me and one other friend got to try it before a guy named Eddie can along.

First he asked me if I wanted a carrot, I politely declined and he bit half of it off and stuck it into my sauce. So already the spare sauce was tainted so I could use that any more.

Then he kept doing it and I had to completely get out of my seat just to protect my food that I tried really hard to make. So I only got to eat about 1/4 of this serving before a spit carrot landed in it tainting the whole dish. I pulled it out quickly just so I could act like I wasn't about to cry.

Then they stabbed my banana the only other aspect of my lunch besides a pudding cup. And they stabbed it with a fork covered in random shit. So I could eat my banana.

And the whole time no one said my dish tasted good. They only said that it was stinky. Because the sauce had a very strong scent.

So now I am crying while typing this. I told his friend about how I spent a lot of time planning and cooking this dish hoping that she could make him apologise.

Now I am just staring at my phone waiting. And I know it is never coming. And I don't want to confront him because I know I am going to cry about it.

So now my dreams have been destroyed, if I can't be a zoologist I guess I am fucked now. Oh also friend is dating this asshole and he once bothered me for three days asking for nudes.

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