It was a Mistake!

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Harley's heels clicked as she walked down the halls of the club. Her arms and legs ached as she had been dancing all night and was heading back to her and Mr.J's bedroom to rest. He told her that he was going to be working in his office the whole night so she decided to dance, it seemed to always calm her down from her usually crazy life.

She was upstairs at the moment where loads of spare bedrooms were situated for important henchmen and dancers. Upstairs also contained the master bedroom, as The Joker liked to call it. Below Harley was the main club area with the bar and booths and some stripper poles dotted around the room.

As she neared the end of the hall she could see their bedroom. A huge black door stood in a massive dazzling gold frame. She sighed and felt her eyes becoming heavy. She could hear shuffling and noises coming from the other side of the door. Voices? Mr.J told me he was going to be in his office? She thought to herself. Her hand reached down at the knob and she slowly twisted it until she heard a click. As she pushed the black door open she soon regretted it immediately.

There on their bed was The Joker, wearing nothing except being covered by the silk sheets. He was lying on top of a naked woman, she had blond hair and bright blue eyes just like Harley. She recognised her straight away, it was Jade, one of the strippers for the club. Harley's hand shot to her mouth in a loud gasp causing The Joker to look in her direction. His eyes widened and he leapt off the girl almost tumbling on the floor. He pulled his bath robe from the ground and tied it around his body. Jade shrieked and grabbed another robe from the dresser wrapping it around her frame. She picked up her clothes and ran out of the room not wanting to be included in the argument that was going to happen...But it never came, all the expected curses and violence were exchanged for silence..

Harley was speechless, she couldn't believe what she just saw. She could feel tears forming in her eyes. "Harley I-It's not what you think.." The Joker started but Harley put her hand up to silence him. "Not a word, j-just not a word.." The tears were running down her face smudging her mascara making long black streaks down her cheeks. The Joker wanted to say so much more but couldn't form any words. He too couldn't believe he just did that. He didn't even remember agreeing to it, the alcohol had controlled his body and forced him to, but he couldn't tell Harley that. He would usually laugh a bad thing off but he figured that would not help this situation.

Harley brushed past him and reached under the bed, she pulled out a suitcase and began to stuff clothes and belongings into the bag. "Harley please, it was a mistake. It won't happen again, I promise, please.." Harley just ignored him and went into the bathroom. She picked up some toiletries and a few guns just in case. She reassured herself and went back into the bedroom. As she was walking towards the door The Joker ran in front of her, blocking her path. "Harley please! Just think about this! Where the hell are you going to go?!" He pleaded. Harley just shouldered him out of the way and started towards the club. She began to think of where she was actually going to stay. Hmm maybe I could ask Rose? She thought to herself as she neared the stairs. Just as her hand touched the mahogany banister The Joker grabbed onto her other wrist and began to tighten his grip. "Harley! You don't know what your doing!" He snapped but she was able to get free from his iron like grip. "Let go of me!" She shouted running down the stairs as best she could in heels.

She entered the main club area with a bar to her right and a few poles around. The whole place was empty except the odd henchman or dancer. Everyone couldn't help but stare in horror and confusion as they saw their boss, The Joker, in a bath robe...naked. While some were having bad images flush into their heads others were forced to look away as he gave them threatening glares. A small, pale, red haired woman behind the counter had her hand to her mouth in a quiet gasp, tears building in her eyes. It was Rose, one of Harley's closest and most trusted friend. She worked for The Joker and knew exactly what had happened. From the moment she saw him lead Jade into the bedroom she couldn't help but feel sorry for Harley. She could tell Harley was crying as the makeup ran black lines under her eyes which were reddening by the second. "Rose could I stay at your place for a bit...?" Harley whispered as Rose stepped out from the counter running over to her, she gave her a warm embrace followed by tears of her own. "Of course dear, you stay as long as you want.." She sighed until her sympathetic mood changed to anger. She let go of Harley and turned around to face a struggling clown making his way down the stairs. He was shifting on his feet and had picked up a bottle of beer from somewhere. "You selfish idiot!" She screamed causing everyone in the club to jump. He had just reached the bottom of the stairs and was feeling faint. He raised a brow and burped. He chuckled and began to hiccup from all the alcohol. He moved his hand to his head squinting and hissing "Ughh I don't feel so good." He moaned using a nearby table as support. Rose stomped towards him and smirked "I'm so happy your not going to remember any of this." She said grabbing a glass vase on the table beside him. "Wha--" His sentence was cut short when the vase came shattering on top of his head. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell backwards on the ground landing on all the piercing glass. "Hope that leaves a mark asshole!" She giggled turning back around to face Harley who also had a small smirk playing on the corner of her mouth. "Was that really necessary?" She asked giggling mid sentence. Rose nodded whilst grinning "Well do you want him to remember all this?" She asked walking up to Harley and taking her bag. "Come on, my car is waiting out the front.."

Ok first chapter! Like, Comment and Follow me plz!! ❤️- rockw11

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