What happened?!

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The Jokers eyes fluttered open taking in his surroundings. He was in the master bedroom, clothes and guns were all over the floor for some strange reason. They're not supposed to be there? He questioned leaning on his elbows on the mattress. As he raised himself his head had a sharp pain. What the heck? He thought as he lifted his hand to the back of his head where he felt a bandage, skilfully wrapped around his scalp. He had an excruciating headache too. What did I do last night? He thought sitting up in the bed and kicking his feet over the edge.

His back was stinging and felt like a cat had just sharpened its claws on his flesh. He hissed and stood on the wooden floor and began to make his way towards the mirror at the far wall. His eyes widened in shock as he saw his reflection. He had a red-stained bandage covering half his head, his eyes were completely blood-shot and he had tiny scrapes and bruises all up his back. "What the fuck?!" He yelled to himself.

He didn't remember anything from last night and needed something to jog his memory. Wait, where's Harley? He turned around and looked towards the bed. Harley's side was empty and looked like no one was there the last few hours. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Frost!" He shouted from the room turning back around to look at his horrific reflection. The next second a tall, well-built, brown haired man opened the door. "Yes boss?" The young man asked with a hint of fear in his tone. He was one of The Jokers leading henchmen and definitely most trusted. The Joker still kept his eyes glued to the mirror. "Why the fuck do I look like this?!" He exclaimed raising his hands to his head and back.

Frost looked confused, coughing slightly he replied "You don't remember?" He asked foolishly, it's not wise to not answer The Jokers question. The green haired clown slowly turned his head with a fiery glare. "If I remembered, don't you think I would know why my head feels like it's been blown off!!" He started the sentence off calm but it quickly changed to angry and then to furious shouting.

Frost didn't want him to yell again so actually answered "Well, you were drinking and Harley was mad for some reason and left the club with Rose--" He didn't even get to finish when the loud smash of a mirror caused him to take a step back from the shattering glass. He looked back at The Joker who began ripping the bandages from his head. Frost knew he would have to do the bandages and everything again, but figured it was best not to interrupt him.

As soon as the bandages were off The Jokers head started bleeding straight away. There was a deep cut on the top of his head and whenever he touched the wound it stung like crazy! He growled and turned back to Frost. "How the hell am I supposed to run a club like this?!" He snapped examining his head as best he could in the shattered mirror. Frost sighed and began to walk towards him "Boss I think it's best if you get a little rest, I will manage the club and send some of the gang to get Harley."

The Joker growled again and stepped backwards slouching in one of the armchairs, dropping his feet on the foot rest. His face just carried a stern emotionless look and he rested his head in his hand. Frost guessed this was him stepping down and nodded his head "I'll go get the alcohol and some more bandages.." He said walking back to the door and disappearing back to the club.

The clown Prince of Crime for the rest of the evening, remained in that chair thinking what he was going to do to Rose and Harley when they get back. When Frost came back up to the room shivers were sent down his spine as The Joker began to laugh at something. It was him, beating Harley and Rose to death with a crowbar. He couldn't control himself and was shaking constantly wiping away stray tears. Frost figured it was best to attend his wound while he was distracted.

Jade was downstairs behind the counter of the bar. Everyone was giving her dirty looks as they passed. It was because almost everyone in the whole club liked Harley better than The Joker
as he was always abusing her. So once they found out Jade slept with him, which hurt Harley and she didn't even apologise to her either, they all began to dislike her. She averted her eyes back to the job at hand when she heard a low scream followed by maniacal laughter, she assumed it was The Joker getting what he deserved. She too was drunk last night but never for one second thought she would have done something so...so horrid! Not one person but Harley has ever slept with him and now she has! She even despises him but only works at his club because it was the highest paying job around.

She sighed again and slammed the cloth she was cleaning with on the counter. She was going to apologise to Harley immediately. With that decision she grabbed her handbag and swung it on her shoulder running out of the club. She didn't care if she was fired, she doubted he would even notice she was gone. Finding her car down an alley way she jumped in the front starting the ignition and revving up the engine. She slammed her foot on the accelerator speeding out of the alley and down the streets towards Roses apartment. On her way she began to think of apologies to say "I'm sorry Harley, it was a mistake and I didn't mean to.." She narrowed her eyebrows. No no that won't do.. She thought starting again "Harley please! I didn't mean to and I hope you can forgive me! I was drunk and couldn't control myself!" She began to shout in the car to herself. Yep perfect! She smiled and raced down the road.

Ok that was the next chapter! Sorry it took so long 😁 Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Follow please!! ❤️ Thanks- rockw11

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