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Harley, Jade and Rose all rounded the corner of a dark alley. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, low fog rising from the sewers. A street light shining down on the path below. The sound of a cats call from the distance.

In Harley's mind she expected a flesh-eating zombie to come running around the corner chasing them. But to her disappointment a raging green haired clown skidded to a halt as he looked menacingly at the three. Harley turned around to notice she had led them all into a dead-end. She rolled her eyes. 'Just my luck.' She thought to herself.

"Harley, you made a big mistake coming back." He said striding forwards with a dark tone.

"I don't think she made any mistake Clown." Hissed a familiar feminine voice from the shadows. Everyone looked up at one of the railings along an apartment block to see Catwoman.

The Joker rolled his eyes. "Aww, does Kitty want to play with the big boys now? Has Batsy not satisfied you enough?" He asked chuckling until he heard another voice come from behind him.

"Poor, poor J. I guess this makes it three against one." Smirked Poison Ivy strutting down the alley from the empty streets of Gotham.

The Joker was cornered. Harley was in front, Ivy was behind and Catwoman was to his right. The only escape route was to climb up a brick building, so that was unlikely. At that moment he remembered his guest at the club and was about to call his name when a large, thick vine came out of nowhere. Scooping him up and hanging him upside down by his ankles. A smaller vine wrapped itself around his mouth preventing him from speaking.

The two women giggled as he shot them dangerous glares letting out muffled curses and threats.

Harley giggled and looked to Rose and Jade who were frozen on the spot. They were now in the presence of the most feared villains in Gotham City.

Catwoman jumped off the railing doing two front flips before gracefully landing on her feet.

"Thanks guys!" Harley chirped dashing forward and pulling the two in for a suffocating embrace.

"You're welcome Harls." Giggled Ivy and Catwoman simultaneously.

Harley broke away and looked over to The Joker who was still struggling and squirming under the vines.

"Sorry Puddin', but I guess you're the one in trouble now." She giggled as he let out threats and orders but she couldn't understand a word he was saying.

She looked over to Ivy. "Can you at least take off the mouth vine?" She asked. "I wanna hear what he has to say."

Ivy sighed and nodded her head slowly. With a flick of her wrist the vine moved away and The Joker spoke.

"Fucking bitches! I could have suffocated!" He yelled angrily glaring at everyone.

"Well, back it goes." Snapped Ivy preparing to flick her wrist again for the vine to cover his mouth.

"No! Red, be nice!" Harley whined batting the vine away with her hand.

Ivy rolled her eyes and brought the vine away.

"Harley, I think you need to get yourself some new friends." The Joker spat narrowing his fiery eyes at the two.

Harley giggled placing her hand on his cheek and moving his face so he wasn't looking at Catwoman and Ivy. His eyes locked with hers and she smiled. His face stayed emotionless as he stared deeply into her blue orbs. They showed complete love.

She slowly leaned in and placed her lips on his. They both closed their eyes as their kiss grew more passionate. (Imagine the Spiderman movie kiss scene. I have it up above ⬆️)

"Harley I tied him up so I wouldn't have to see anything horrible." Gagged Ivy holding a hand to her mouth.

Harley pulled away giggling as she saw The Jokers slowly open his eyes to smirk at Pam.

"Like you and Harvey are any different Pammy." He chuckled looking back at Harley who was beaming affectionately at him.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" She questioned hesitantly.

The Joker chuckled. "For the car yes, but do you forgive me for everything else?" He asked before she leaned and kissed him again.

As she pulled away she nodded her head. "Yes." She whispered smiling at him still upside down.

"Ok, can you get me down here before I black out?" He asked shutting his eyes as he began to feel dizzy.

Harley's eyes widened remembering he was still being held upside down. "Oh yes! Red get him down!" She shrieked spinning to look at Poison Ivy.

She smirked before flicking her wrist. "Whatever you say Harley." She said before the grip on his ankles loosened and he was dropped to the ground with a thud.

"I meant carefully." He growled running his hand through his hair.

Harley giggled at the sight until he shot her a glare and she quietened still trying to suppress a giggle. Jade and Rose slowly walked over holding onto each other.

"Y-Your Catwoman and Poison Ivy.." Stuttered Rose pointing to the two.

Catwoman had a smile on her face and was just about to speak when The Joker interrupted. "No shit Sherlock." He said rolling his eyes beginning to stand up.

"Mr.J be nice. If you haven't noticed yet, there's five of us and one of you." Harley said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Is that a threat Harley?" He asked raising a brow with a smirk.

Harley giggled. "Maybe."

"Well then I guess you leave me no choice..." He sighed walking closer to her as she held a confused expression on her face.

Suddenly before she could run he started tickling her. She screamed and tried to brake free but he just held onto her waist. She laughed until she collapsed on the ground in her fit of giggles. The Joker chuckled at his princess. Her platinum hair was covering her face as she let out heavy breaths. Just as he was about to go in for another round, the sound of thunder was heard. Harley shot up looking at the sky as tiny droplets began to fall from the clouds.

"I think that's our cue to leave." The Joker said chuckling.

All the girls nodded beginning to walk back to the club however Harley stayed on the ground.

"Puddin' I think I sprained my ankle." She whined moving her hand to her face to muffle her giggling.

The Joker rolled his eyes. "Well what am I supposed to do about that?"

"Carry me." She said raising her two arms waiting for him to come over to her aid.

The Joker rolled his eyes and walked over leaning down and scooping her up in his arms. "This is the last time I'm doing this." He growled making his way back to the club.

Harley giggled. "You say that every time.."

Ok thank you all for the comments and votes, I really appreciate them 😊 This could be the last chapter unless you want me to make The Joker cheat on Harley again because idk what else to do 😂 Please Comment below ❤️ Thank you so much~ rockw11

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