Chit Chat!

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The Joker sat Harley down on one of the VIP couches. A long glass window took up half the room; overlooking the club from above. Alcoholic drinks were laid out on the low coffee table: vodka, rum, whiskey. No one else was occupying the room, Joker wanted this to be a private meeting. He raised his hand and motioned towards the drink raising his brows. "No." Harley said coldly shaking her head.

"Ok." He sighed leaning his back against the sofa."Straight to the chit chat then." He muttered under his breath. "Harley, I didn't mean to do that. You know me? I would never have done that if I was sober." He said with no recognisable emotions showing on his face.

Harley looked at him and took the coat off her shoulders. She couldn't trust anything that was coming out of his mouth. Everything he has said to her has been lies. Her eyes changed suddenly from those soft blue dazzling orbs, to dark, glaring and dangerous optics.

"Yes, if you were sober you would've fucked more women!" She blurted out shooting up from her seated position to stand. She pointed a long finger at him as she spoke. "You're just a selfish pig! I give you all the love and affection any guy could dream of, and this is what I get in return?!" She snapped.

The Joker imitated her and stood up also "Harley, your treading on dangerous grounds here." He threatened holding a finger right below her chin.

As his finger made contact with her face she shut her eyes. A small tear escaped her orbs and made its way down her cheek. She took his hand in her own and rested it on her cheek.

She snapped back into reality and opened her eyes. She brought her hand back down and crossed her arms over her chest. She remained quiet for brief period until she finally spoke. "You inconsiderate creep!"

The Joker threw his hands up in defeat. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he looked back at her. "What do you want me to do? How can I make this right Harls?" He asked cupping her chin tilting her head up.

Harley closed her eyes and took a deep breath before re-opening them "An apology." She snapped.

The Joker growled, his grip on her chin tightening. "Harls, you know I'm not a man to apologise." He said through gritted teeth.

The blond shrugged and raised her hand taking a hold of his wrist. She placed it by his side and spoke. "Well, then I guess I can't forgive you." She retorted leaving his side and making her way towards the door.

Her wrist was desperately grabbed by the green haired clown and she was dragged back before him. He sighed "I'm sorry." He muttered under his breath.

She raised her hand to her ear and leant in closer to his face "Sorry, what was that?" She asked her lips curling into a slight smirk.

The Joker narrowed his eyes and spoke louder "I am sorry Harley. There, you happy?" He asked folding his arms like a grumpy child and slouching on the couch.

Harley beamed at him with adoration, tears forming in her eyes. She nodded her head frantically and lunged at him wrapping her hands behind his neck. "Yes." She whispered in his ear, squeezing her eyes shut letting the tears roll down her cheeks.

The Joker chuckled and eventually wrapped his  hands around her waist pulling her closer to his body. He usually hated when she got all mushy like a cry-baby, but he would let it slide just this once. He looked into her eyes, they were completely full of loyalty and utter obedience. He smiled softly and wiped away a tear that was reaching the end of her cheek. "Now, how about we get you cleaned up?" He proposed leaning forward to stand up.

Harley pressed her hand against his chest preventing any more movement. She leant on her knees on either side of his legs. "I don't wanna, just stay with me for one minute?" She whined curling her lip over into a pout.

The Joker chuckled grabbing her wrists "Ok, one minute." He surrendered, he wasn't even going to try and compete with her.

She smiled softly and leant her face in closer. He copied her actions until both their lips were together in a loving and passionate kiss. Harley gently tugged the back of his green hair causing a deep rumbling moan to escape his lips.

He could feel Harley's mouth turning into a smile. "You know Mr.J, I don't think you ever apologised to me before?" She giggled sitting back on his lap.

The Joker chuckled and nodded his head. He cupped her chin and brought their faces closer together until she interrupted once again. "Now that I think about, I don't think you've ever said sorry to anyone." She said narrowing her eyes in deep concentration trying to recall a moment when he did say sorry.

The Joker began to get frustrated by her constant chitter-chatter. She was just teasing him, trying to make him beg for more. She couldn't help but suppress a giggle as she heard a lustful growl come from his mouth. She held her hand to her heart in a shocked emotion. "And you kiss me with that mouth." She smirked and leant in once again.

"You're such a tease, you know that?" He chuckled taking a hold of her chin and planting kisses on her neck.

She giggled nodding her head "Yep, I have been taught by the best." She replied pulling his face away from her neck. She slowly brought her lips to his and began to kiss him once again.

Just as things were getting interesting The Joker heard a loud shattering sound come from the club. He pulled away abruptly and stood up causing her to shriek and fall on her behind onto the ground. She pouted but slowly stood up and looked at him. "What was that?" She asked heading over to the window.

The Joker heard a knock on the door and turned on his heel to the direction of the source. "Come in." He answered.

An annoyed looking Johnny Frost swung open the door to the clown couple. "Boss, we have a problem."

Ok, I am so so so sorry that it took me so long to post this 😭 I've been really busy with everything but I really hope you like it 👍🏻 Please tell me in the comments if I got anything wrong and please Vote. Thanks~ rockw11

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