This is your fault!

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"Rose, I don't know what I'm going to do.." Sobbed a sad Harley. "H-He never cheated on me before! And he did it with Jade!" She cried into one of the blue cushions on Roses red leather couch. Rose was in the kitchen making some dinner behind Harley, who was watching a fuzzy TV screen burying her head in the cushion. The red-haired woman gave Harley a soft, sympathetic smile. Watching the crazy blond, sitting on a couch eating ice cream with tissues everywhere hit a soft spot in Roses heart. She never saw Harley so sad before. It really made her worry.

She placed the stirring spoon on the counter and left the macaroni and cheese in the pan as she went over to the clown girl. "Shhh Harley. It's ok, everything will be fine. J will come for you.." She spoke in a sweet and caring tone sitting next to her wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She could feel Harley's head silently nod under her chin, the odd sniffle breaking the silence.

Rose took the tissues away and stood in front of Harley. "Now! How about some macaroni and cheese?" She smiled raising her brows. Harley grinned with a mouthful of chocolate ice cream in her mouth nodding. Rose snatched the ice cream away receiving a pout and a sigh from Harley causing her to giggle.

"Do you want a --" Rose started but was interrupted by a knock on the door. "I wonder who that could be?" She asked herself looking over to Harley. The blond shrugged looking at Rose and back to the door. She narrowed her eyes and proceeded towards the door. "Ok Joker, you better--" Opening the door she was interrupted by a familiar person.

"Rose! Is Harley there?" A very desperate looking Jade blurted out peeking over Roses shoulders. Harley sharply stood up from the couch and marched up behind Rose. "Why would I wanna speak with you?" She snapped viciously crossing her arms and raising a brow. Jade began to stutter but took a deep breath closing and re-opening her eyes. "I'm so sorry Harley! I didn't mean to do that! I was drunk and couldn't control myself! I never meant to hurt you like that. Please, please forgive me? I swear it will never happen again!" She pleaded pushing past Rose to stand before her. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. Her and Harley were good friends and she couldn't let a thing like this ruin that.

Harley's glare softened as she saw that glint of honesty in her friends eyes that only she knew was there. Harley was capable of so many things but destroying a friendship was not one she found very easy. "It's fine..." She eventually muttered giving a warm smile. Jade let out a sigh of relief and gave her a big hug, squeezing her eyes shut. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed. Harley giggled and hugged back.

The two friends stood there for a few seconds until Rose coughed from behind them. "Ehem. Harley what are we going to do about J?" She asked folding her arms and leaning on one leg. Harley untangled herself from Jade and rubbed her chin. "No clue!" She threw her hands in the air, returning to the couch and plopping down.

Rose sighed "I'm sure we'll think--" Another knock interrupted her. "What now?!" She snapped turning back around and swinging the door open "What?!" She shrieked before she could even process who it was. Johnny Frost was standing in the doorway with one tall, strongly built man behind him. He held an emotionless expression on his face "Boss wants to speak with Harley.." He answered straightening his suit jacket.

Harley stood up from the couch and walked up to the door. She narrowed her eyes cautiously and looked beyond Johnnys shoulder to see another man positioned behind him. "Where's Mr.J?" She asked raising a suspicious brow. "He couldn't even come here himself to speak with me?" She asked growing angrier by the second.

Frost began to get uncomfortable. He promised Joker he would bring Harley back to the club, but he always underestimated her. She can be unpredictable and he wasn't expecting her to be this difficult. "Come on Harley, he told me to bring you back to the club." He said stepping forward closer to her.

Rose blocked his path as he began to inch closer. "You lay one hand on her Johnny, and you'll be sorry." She threatened with a glare. The henchman looks behind him and nodded to the other worker. He nodded back and stepped forward as well. "I'm sorry Rose, but I wasn't asking..."

20 minutes later

Harley, Jade and Rose were all strapped to the back seats of the matte black delivery van. Each one had put up a fight, but Harley knew if she broke one bone in Frosts body The Joker would kill her himself! It took a lot of work to get the three women in the back, the two men sat in the passenger and drivers seat, both received bite and scratch marks here and there.

Each girl had a piece of tape over their mouth, cancelling out their nagging voices. Frost couldn't help but chuckle as he heard Harley's muffled screams "Harley, J is going to kill you." He could hear her heavy breathing from where he was seated and immediately felt the tension in the car rise.

They neared the club a few minutes later and one by one they were dragged out of the van. It parked just outside the entrance to the glamorous double doors and the air was chilly. The moon shone bright projecting over the city. It created an eerie atmosphere outside the club. Each girl had a big warm blanket wrapped around their frames to block out the cold. Johnny ripped each tape piece covering their mouths off before he entered the club. Harley let out a snap as he removed the tape from her lips. He held the doors open as each girl was shoved into the room.

Rose and Jades mouths slightly parted as they each let out giggles. "Where the hell is my gun?!" The Joker yelled looking at each booth bending down under tables. Harley also couldn't help but let out a high-pitched giggle at him struggling like this without her. "Did'ya check the VIP room Mr.J?" She asked raising a brow as he quickly stood up from under a table and flicked around to glare at her. His eyes were bloodshot, probably from lack of sleep for ages. His green hair was all tousled and had a dark bandage wrapped around the back of his head. He wore his white dress shirt with black trousers, the empty gun holster positioned tightly around his shoulders.

"Oh go on! Laugh it up Harley! Because all this--" He exclaimed spinning in a circle with his hands extended. The club (which was what he was pointing to) was a mess! Spilt and shattered wine bottles occupied the whole room. Dark, red patches of wine stained the white leather couches. "--is your fault!" He snapped looking back at her with narrowed, fiery orbs. Her jaw dropped slightly looking at the scene until her eyes locked back with his and she shut her mouth.

Harley's eyes began to narrow and her teeth began to grind in her mouth. "How is it my fault?! YOU were the one who cheated on ME!" She screamed causing him to growl with a pounding headache. He strode forward breathing heavily. Before she could think he roughly grabbed her wrist and tightened his hand around it. "Frost, get them cleaned up and working!" He snapped pointing at Jade and Rose. His henchman nodded and began to push the ladies out of the room and towards the dressing rooms. "Don't you dare hurt her J!" Rose screamed back until she was out of sight.

The Joker looked to where she disappeared and back at Harley with a crazy grin appearing on his face. "Now let's have a little talk shall we?" He asked to which Harley remained speechless with fear and worry.

Sorry this chapter took so long! I hope you all liked it and Vote or Comment on what you think ❤️ Thanks for the previous Votes and Comments 😉- rockw11

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