Normal Life

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 *Picture is of Sophia Hart*

Chapter 1: Normal Life

            I stand in front of my full-length mirror. I am Sophia Hart a senior of today at St. Lucy’s High School in Vancouver. Today is the first day of my last year. It upsets me that this is the end but I am excited for my next chapter in life, which I have no idea what it’s going to be about. I turn in the mirror, I rub my hands on my size 2 white jeans and pull over a light purple v-neck. I am ready! I quickly run my fingers through my wavy black silky hair. I then rub lotion onto my olive skin. Grade 12 here I come.

            I leave my pretty big house and get into my black fiat. I drive three minutes before I get to my first neighbours. I sometimes felt so distant and alone living here. Another ten minutes pass and I reach our old fashioned school. It’s one building shaped as a horseshoe. I parked my car and got out. Not long after stepping into a parking lot a group of kids were gathered around me. I was a ‘popular’ girl; to me the title was meaningless and couldn’t care what people thought of me. I walked past the group and to my real friends. Kate Langly, Jena Morris, and Emily Krenin.

            Kate was what I would call average. She had blond messy hair and pale green eyes. She was a quiet girl you could always rely on.

            Jena was the opposite, she had light brown hair, which was always perfectly straight and was the party girl. She knew how to make anything exciting and funny.

            Last but not least Emily. With short brown hair, chocolate eyes and only 4’3. She is though sometimes a party pooper, she needs to let loose sometimes.

            “Hey guys!” I waved at my besties. “Oh hey Sophia, guess what there is a new guy at school” Emily nudged me. “His name is Jake Blodin. I can’t wait to see him! I hope he’s cute!” Jena rambled on as the rest of us laughed. The warning bell rang and we all headed into the building. Emily and I parted from the other girls and went to our first class, Social Science. This unit we were going to start off with childcare. It was going to be fun!

            I sat down at the table with Emily in the very back corner. “Soph, do you think this Jake is going to be hot or not?” She said in a loud whisper. I shrugged. “To be honest I have nooooo idea.” I dragged on the no. Her shoulder slumped down and she pulled out her binder and started writing.

            Once everyone was sitting down a guy walked in class with sunglasses. My breath was held in was this Jake? He walked in class and handed our teacher a note. Mrs. Jimenez signed it and handed it back. “Class this is our new student Jake Blodin.” Jake took off his sunglasses. He was stunning. He has wavy brown hair, pitch black eyes and dressed well. He was wearing designer black jeans, a plain shirt and a real leather jacket. I turned to Emily who had her mouth open. “Dibs” I whispered. “No way! Not fair!” She said loudly. “Emily!” Mrs. Jimenez hissed. “Sorry.” Emily smiled apologetically.

            I pulled out my blackberry from my black Hurley bag and started texting madly to my other two friends.

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