A Tearful Graduation

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Chapter 19: A Tearful Graduation

            I finished perfecting my make-up and put on my silver locket that Jake gave me an hour ago. I was ready. For my graduation. I sighed. Four years of high school and it seems like I haven’t done much for St. Lucy. I walked with my head held high and flirted with guys I didn’t care for. Today was the day I would leave that part of me behind. I felt my eyes water but I held it back. I stared at my reflection. I looked upset, the only thing that looked good was my violet dress. It was simple, short and strapless. I guess I couldn’t be so happy due to the dream I had a couple of nights ago. I haven’t told Jake about, to nervous to hear the answer. I’ll confront him after graduation. I promised to myself.

            “Sophia, it’s time.” Jake called from the stairs. “Coming!” I walked down and he hugged me. “Ready?” I just nod. “Is something wrong?” I shake my head. “I know you, something is wrong.” I pushed him away gently from me. “Please Jake, I’ll explain after grad.” Jake just nodded and we drove to the school in silence.

            A bit awkwardly we walked hand in hand to the school’s auditorium. We were supposed to have it at a hall, but the one for prom was extremely costly. So they cut grad. Jake and I lined up with the rest of our class. He was right behind me and Emily, Jena and yes a happy Daniel was in front of them. “I’m so excited! Jena couldn’t stop clapping and jumping. I couldn’t blame her high school graduation was a big thing. “Ok students single file, we are going to do our march.” A teacher I had never seen before shouted over the noisy kids. We all obeyed before she could scream.

            I breathed in slowly and walked behind Jena into the full auditorium. Friends and family clapped as we took our seats on the stage. “Welcome everyone for attending our graduation ceremony, Ms. Jimenez will be giving out various awards that go to the students that earned it through they’re years at our school.” Our principle said another view words, which I didn’t pay attention to. “Alright students award time.” Ms. Jimenez said standing next to a table decorated with different awards.

“First awards are for the honour roll students.” She handed out a whole bunch of small diploma statues, I even got one, as well as Jake.

The teacher handed the rest of the awards out and took the last two trophies of a black shape, I couldn’t describe it, but it was cool.

“Our last award is the Dead Celestine Cliff award, given to two students who show bravery and against all odds were able to graduate, it is not a high honour award but… anyways that two receiving this award is Sophia Hart and Jake Blodin.” I got up holding Jake’s hand we took our interesting trophies and sat back down.

            The next half hour dragged on with speeches and thanks, finally we got to the best part. Diploma time. They started calling names alphabetically. Jake got his and when the principle turned to the audience for a picture but not a single flash. Jake laughed and sat back down next to me. I was not long after called up. I smiled as I received my diploma and I heard my fathers voice shout over the small claps. “Psycho! You don’t deserve any kind of happiness in your life!” My heart dropped, I don’t know how they could be like this. With a fury I never knew I had I snatched the diploma out of the principles hands and yelled back. “You shouldn’t be talking! You make me sick and I am ashamed to call you my parents, I hope you burn hell!” I turned on my heels and sat down next to Jake with tears swelling. Jake rested his hand on my knee and rubbed it trying to reassure me.

            After the interesting ceremony all the teens threw they’re hats in the air and gathered in different groups for pictures. I took a zillion with my friends and Jake but I still felt weird around Jake.

            “Sophia kiss him!” Jena snapped a photo of Jake and I giving a quick peck. She rolled her eyes. We laughed together and headed into the gymnasium for our dance.

            “Come on Soph smile! It’s grad! We are now done high school!” The words hit me deep. What would happen after high school? Emily and Jena are going to the same college next year and will be moving into their dorm rooms together in a month and a half. Me on the other hand have no idea what I’m going to do. I wish I could move in with them and go to school all together. With Jake, and Daniel, and Kate. Kate never graduated. I started to cry and Emily and Jena ran and hug me. We cried together for a good while and then got on the dance floor. Jake danced one song with me and then walked away to the table.

            I needed to confront him now. I walked away from my friends and grabbed Jake’s hand. I opened the door to the janitors closet and closed it behind him. “We need to talk.” I said holding my head. “Alright tell me what this is about.” Jake rubbed his head. “Scott the fallen angel.” I said flatly. Jake’s eyes filled with rage and furry. “Who were you talking to?” He pushed my shoulders hard into the wall behind me. “Who told you!?” He screamed in my face. I was completely terrified and speechless. I didn’t know Jake the way I thought I did. “A dream alright, now tell me who Scott is.” Jake let go of me and sighed. “Scott was a friend of mine. He helped me escape Everlasting and told me to find him a girl I found you but I decided to keep you for myself. Happy?” He turns away from me. “You say you know me so well but I don’t know you at all and my dream told me it was my destiny to be in Everlasting with Scott and Celestine told me she knew and pitied me.” I felt a tear run down from my eye.

“Why do you care, can’t you just forget it and love me, the way I love you.”

“Do you love me like that?” I ask causing his anger to burst.

“Of course I do! How could you say that?” He pulls my body to his and starts kissing me.

            “Jake please don’t do this.” I try to push him away but he is ten times stronger then me. His kisses are forceful and his hands pin my arms to the wall. Jake then starts to undress me. “Stop it!” I scream trying to push him away but he has me on the floor and his body is keeping me from moving. I plead for him to leave me but he won’t. I don’t know Jake, not one bit.

            About half an hour later I sit against the cement wall Jake didn’t get far with me, he left the room with watery eyes. I don’t understand him and what he told me about Scott all seemed like a lie. I want real answers. I fixed my dress and went back to the gym.

            “Soph where have you been?” Emily asks as she wraps her arm around my waist. “I’m leaving for the summer.” Emily starts shaking her head “No way you cant leave us again, and where’s Jake?” Fresh tears start to fall. “Where ever he is I hope I don’t see him for a very long time.” I slam a fist into the table and my other friends gather around. “He is a liar and who knows what else! I don’t know him!” I smash my head on the table and cry. Emily hugs me. “He left Everlasting to find me to bring me to Everlasting but he said he fell in love with me but I don’t believe him. So I have to go back to Everlasting. Find out the truth.”

            My friends beg me to stay but I just cant I say my goodbyes and drive home.

            The moment I open my door I see Celestine sitting on my coach. “Hey there I told you I would visit, where is Jakey?” She stands up with her hands on her hips. “Who is Scott.” Celestine sits back down. “He is a fallen angel. He uh is hot. He is also your true love from heaven, because you are a fallen angel.”

The end!!!!!

Next chapter: Truthful Journey

So Jake or Scott we will here more about Scott next chapter!

By: Sabrina. S <3

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