Return To Everlasting

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Chapter 21: Return To Everlasting

            I was in Everlasting again. After my last experience I would have never thought I’d be back here. But here I was in Celestine’s room sitting in her black chair. I wanted to talk to Scott but I was scared. Scared to what he may say and what Renold will do to me when he finds out I’m here in Everlasting. This sucked. “Did you really love Jake?” I asked abruptly. “I still do with all my heart. When Scott asked him to find you he kissed me on the cheek and promised to be back soon. He took too long and Renold got suspicious so I came for you too, but before I did he contacted me and broke things off. He wanted you.” Celestine looked away from me and I could tell she was on the verge of tears. “If he wanted me so much why was he so rude and cold to me?” Celestine looked back at me. “He knew being with you would put you in danger, he really does care for you that’s why he tried to stay away but he couldn’t.” A smile threatened to make its way but I pushed it back. He did care for me and everything he did was for my own good.

            Celestine left to get some blood and I was alone in her room, she didn’t have any really personal belongings. So I left, where I don’t know. I walked the path of Everlasting, it reminded me of the medieval times. The old stone buildings, dirt paths and the humans busily doing errands wearing old-fashioned robes. I loved the vibe, but not the supernatural beings here. I haven’t met an alien, shape shifter, demon, or a fallen angel. I was going to meet a fallen angel now. I found myself standing in front of the building homing all fallen angels. Was I ready to meet Scott? I asked myself. Yes. I had to.

            I walked in cautiously scanning the room for Scott. Blond hair. Blond hair. Found him! He was getting into the elevator. I hurried to the stairs, I ran until I reached the top floor and I saw him exit the elevator. I followed him silently to room 66. One more 6 and it would be hell. I laughed, but brought my hand up quickly hoping he didn’t hear me. I sucked in my breath and knocked on the door. He opened it and it was hard not to look away from his dark blue eyes. He stared at me with shock and I just stared back. I must have looked like an idiot. He was my love I could feel it but I couldn’t remember anything. It killed me not knowing. Then he caught me off guard. He swooped me into his arms and kissed me passionately. I didn’t brake the kiss I couldn’t it felt so perfect. But I thought of Jake. I pictured him standing in our home reading my note. His heart must have felt crushed. I managed to stand up and away from Scott. “Scott, I…” He put his finger to my lips. “Don’t speak let me love.” I smile broke through. “Scott please I don’t know you. I remember the day we came to Everlasting but that’s it. I’m in love with Jake I think. I just wanted to hear what you had to say and learn the truth.” I stepped away from him and he sat on his bed. “Sophia we love each other, how much more explaining do you need?” I shrugged. “I don’t know it just feels like I don’t know you and I don’t know Jake, I love Jake but I can’t remember loving you.” I sit next to him slowly.

            He wraps an arm around me and I don’t push away this feels right. He caressed my cheek. I just, I didn’t know what I wanted anymore. “How about Renold? He wants me dead.” I got off the bed. “I’m sure if he knows we’re together and happy he’ll be okay.” He motioned for me to sit next to him. I shook my head. “But I love Jake, give me some time Scott.” It sounded weird saying his name un-natural yet right. “I just want you to know that I love you, forever.” Scott walked to me and wrapped his string arms around me. “I don’t know Scott.” I turned away from him and walked out going back to Celestine.

            “I’m back sorry I went to see Scott.” I walked into the room and found Celestine tied up with bloody bounds. “Oh my god, Celestine! What happened?” I ripped the ropes away and tore out the gag. “Renold came, he knows you’re here. He sent you that.” She pointed to a bloody piece of paper on the floor. I slid down to the floor and in-folded the letter.

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