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A/N: This is a birthday gift for quiescentsoul- curse my procrastinating ass for procrastinating. I put it here cause I don't know where else, if you want me to put it in my journal just say the word and I shall. Hope you enjoy it Ji. And I'm sorry again for publishing it so late. Character is Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou Stray Dogs.

New Years Eve...

A time of excitement as everyone awaits a New Year, a year for some people to make a fresh start. Or just a continuation for some other people, an ordinary day. And for others it's a chance to just celebrate...

In the silence of the evening a click of the tongue suddenly erupted from a certain person. The illuminated screen of a cell phone being the only source of light. In the handheld possession of a certain orange haired male. His scowl was eminent on his face, and he heaved a bag over his shoulder. Even his posture seem unguarded. A little strange for one of the most dangerous men of one of the most dangerous and well known organizations in Yokohama. People would tremble at the mere sight of him, especially if they commented on his height. Nonetheless he was a man of fear to many, except a few. His loyalty, his actual caring side, his "light in the abyss of the dark" others find hard to see, because he rarely showcases it. But only for a select few would be show a different side of himself. And one very special person, he showed it all.

He continued to tread quickly through the frigid air. Just 20 minutes until a new day, a new year arrived. But his mind was occupied with one person, for there was another reason why the upcoming day would be so special. He arrived at a small living quarters, his knuckles rapping the door. He waited for a minute before clicking his tongue, his impatience really wasn't helping him at the moment. Perhaps she was busy? Not more than another minute later and the door opened; revealing a young lady in quite casual clothing. Her curious eyes widened as they laid upon his figure leaning on the doorway.

"That's quite a way to dress, considering your birthday is less than an hour away." He remarked, quite smugly in fact, making the girl cross her arms and huff.

"I didn't realize you were coming. I thought you were busy?" She said changing the subject. He entered her house, passing by her and ignoring the look he was getting. He let the bag rest on a nearby chair, and she couldn't help but gaze inquisitively at it. But she shook her head, awaiting his answer. He glanced at her form; her arms remained crossed and her posture stiff. What seemed like a glare gazed at him from her shining eyes. He didn't blame her for being a tiny bit upset with him, after all, he took his work first and very seriously. Even if he felt guilty afterwards for not spending at least a little time with the one he loved.

"I'm not, well anymore at least. Shockingly they gave us a break for the New Year. So I figured why not come here?" He asked. He never really was the best with his words, when it came to soft emotions at least.

"I'm shocked you're not even drunk." She said, her tone turned to a tease and she snickered at the slight offended look on his face.

"Hey I may drink a lot, but I have some self control!" He argued with an irk mark appearing.

"Some." She repeated; it made him annoyed, but not as much. He had to admit to himself that he missed the banter.

"What's in the bag?" She asked.

"Booze." He stated bluntly. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, muttering to herself before turning away. Internally he was relieved she bought that white lie easily, or rather half lie. There was indeed alcohol in there, but something else. Something really special only he could give to her when the moment arrived. She fiddled around with something's taking two mugs.

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