Mystery Man Part 2

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Part 2. FINALLY FINISHED. I wanna punch myself for taking so long. Also I gave up like halfway so the ending is rushed, and I apologize for the sloppiness.



Peter froze and felt his mind shut down. His fingers loosened the grip on his phone that it nearly fell out of his hand. His mouth went agape and his eyes widened as he stared at Danny's word with unblinking eyes. He didn't know what to feel at the moment, but he sat in shock.

Here, I'll send you this

The image showed Danny's contact, displaying very clearly Matt's name as well as the number. The number was the exact same as the number Peter received the text from. Peter felt his mouth run dry, and his blank mind started running with a huge number of thoughts and questions again. One thing became clear to him, however the mystery man was indeed Matt Murdock. Peter couldn't think clearly with all of the thoughts and questions piercing his conscious. He stared at his phone, unaware of the passing time just staring at the number, and Matt's name. Well, shit, what should he do now?

Dude? You ok? You didn't faint did you?

His phone alerted Peter out of his trance and of Danny's obvious worried text, so Peter typed with shaky fingers.

Yea, I'm fime




Peter took some deep,steady breaths to try and calm his speeding heart. But, he still felt the deep rooted panic. Peter gave himself a chance to breathe, and think before he messaged back. So, he was right, it was Matt. Now he had to figure out what he should do next. At the moment, he was at a loss. He obviously should contact Matt and talk about it face to face, but he felt too afraid to do that. Mostly because he didn't remember what happened, and he didn't know how Matt felt about it. What if he hated him? Peter felt his stomach drop at the thought, even though he didn't know Matt that well, the thought of Matt hating him just made him want to disappear. He felt his head start to hurt again because of all the stress, and what he imagined Matt might say to him made his chest tighten until he felt pain. He felt some sort of guilt. Since it was his fault he drank his own weight in alcohol. He muttered several curses, pulling his brown locks, the frustration and anxiety he felt drowned him. He has not felt this overwhelmed in a while, and his intrusive thoughts found the opportunity to make him feel even worse at the moment. He felt like the worst being on earth. He rubbed his temple, and grabbed his phone again, he rode his hopes on Danny. Maybe he could suggest something helpful, he highly doubted it since Danny hasn't had a relationship yet, but it was worth a shot.

Danny, I feel bad. What if I did something really bad.

Peter, I'm sure you would have enough sense

Even if you were drunk

To not do something bad

Besides if you did, I would find out from Matt,

Or at least figure it out

And I would be beating you senseless right now.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Kinda. I'm just saying that you got nothing to worry about

You say that, but I don't know what to do

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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