FE Shipping Week 1

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So I'm doing the thing, the shipping week thing Reina_de_Naipes if that's alright with you. With the classic ship: Raven x Lucius (FE 7)

Tick tick tick

The clock sounded every second as time moved forward. It occupied the empty, dull room where two males sat in silence. One annoyed as he ground his teeth and tapping his fingers against the desk. The other with his eyes closed, arms crossed and mouth shut into a thin line seemingly pensive. Another few seconds passed before the blonde male spoke up.

"Why did you do that?" He asked the male next to him, who only grunted in confusion. The blonde male opened his left eye, and only cast a glance, "I mean why did you start that brawl in the middle of the school courtyard?" This time asking with full seriousness. The male with red hair clicked his tongue and let out a little 'tch' as he kept glaring at the space in front of him.
"I'm not going to ask twice Raven." The blonde male said now all patience had left him. He turned his body in his chair to stare at Raven.

"It's nothing Lucius, it happened, we got punished so let's just leave it." Raven spat out leaning back in his chair and refusing to make eye contact. Both of them were pretty stubborn when in a bad mood, Lucius refused to back down while Raven kept his mouth shut. It took Lucius a lot of willpower to keep himself from yelling, lest he wanted anymore scolding from the teachers. A slight disheartened expression came upon him, and he could only shut his mouth and let the time run since Raven was obviously not going to budge. Thus he let a sigh, and turned back without a word. The clock replaced the silence again, and Lucius let his chin rest on his forearms.

Raven glanced and he felt a little bad for making that sad expression on Lucius' face, he wishes he could sometimes punch himself like he did so with the asshole of a student earlier. He wanted to Lucius to not feel sadness ever, but here he was doing just the very thing.

"They were talking behind your back." He stated making Lucius' head snap up, "What?" He asked. Raven sighed heavily before leaning back and finally looking at Lucius. "Some assholes in the front of the school. I heard them when I was running in late today."

Raven panted as he tried to get to the office. The first bell already rang a while ago, and he cursed himself for being stupid enough to sleep in late. In his defense, he did stay up all night working on both a project and a paper. He felt exhausted, but still he needed to haul ass to school after walking his little sister to hers. As he approached the courtyard his ears caught some loud, obnoxious voices. He figured it was just some ditchers and paid no mind to them, until he heard something of interest.

"Have you guys seen that babe of a new student?"

"You mean the one that moved in the last two weeks?"

Raven's ears perked up, a new student? The only student that he heard that was new was his new friend...

With a realization his eyes widened, he unconsciously drew himself closer to the conversation.

"Wait she moved in that long ago?"

"Where were you dude? Yeah!"

"Also dude, that she is actually a he."

"What?! No man. There's no way a person that beautiful can be a male!"

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