Not So Straight

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Dan sat on his bed quietly drawing on his arm. His wrist to his elbow was now covered in black ink doodles ranging from stars to song lyrics and everything else he could think of. This tended to happen if someone left him alone for too long. Pj had always told him that if he ever felt sad or lonely, just draw on yourself. It hurts less than harming yourself, and ink will always wash off.

The doors the the room flung open, startling Dan and causing him to drop the pen. He yanked his sleeve down over the doodles, not wanting whoever it was to see them.

"Guess who has a date?!" Pj announced happily as he strode into the room and tackled a giggling Dan down onto the bed.

"I'm assuming... Jack?" Dan teased, looking up at his friends face hovering above his.

"Guess again!" Pj said, smiling and rolling onto his side beside Dan.

"Hilly?" He continued joking.

"It's me you nerd! His name's Ethan!" Pj chuckled, curling his head into Dan's chest.

"That's great Peej. But I thought you were straight." Dan said, twirling Pj's hair around his finger.

"So did I! But seriously Dan, do I seem straight to you?" He looked up at Dan, smiling like an idiot.

"I guess not." Dan replied.

"I'm really excited for this Danny. I really am." Pj whispered, staring up at his friend lovingly.

Dan smiled down at him and kissed the boys nose. "I know. And I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks Danny." Pj smiled, curling into his friends chest again.

"So, tell me about him." Dan said, running his fingers through his friends hair.

"Well, he's rather short, shorter than me anyway, and he has really pretty blue hair. His eyes are really nice too. He's really funny and really sweet and he was so interesting to talk to. He wanted to know all about me and I loved talking to him so much. I never wanted it to end. I was so happy when he asked me out and just, god he's amazing Danny." Pj explained, hiding his blushing face in Dan's chest.

Dan smiled sweetly, playing with his hair as he listened. "It sounds like you really like him Peej."

"And I do Danny. I really really do." Pj smiled, looking up at Dan.

"I'm really happy for you." Dan smiled, tracing the shape of Pj's lip with his thumb.

They lay there for a few minutes before Dan's phone buzzed. He sighed and reached out to grab it. It was time to go.

"Come on." Dan said, standing up and pulling Pj up with him. "We should get ready to go. Party starts in an hour. Don't want to be late for your date, do you?"

"No, not at all." Pj smiled, gripping his friends hand and dragging him over to the bathroom.

Fifty five minuets later and the pair was almost completely done getting ready. Dan stood in front of the floor-length mirror on the closet door fixing his shirt and hair as Pj stood behind him sorting out his own hair.

Dan wore a red plaid shirt, black shoes and black skinny jeans. His hair was sorted to look as nice as it could and his crown was perched slightly askew on his head. To match the rest of the outfit he had in a pair of black earrings.

Pj had on a green button down and black skinny jeans matched with a pair of green shoes. His crown also sat slightly askew on his head and his hair was in its usual adorably curly state.

"Do I look good?" Dan said, turning around to face Pj.

"You look great Dan. Stop fussing." Pj said, flicking his fringe out of his eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You're beautiful as always." Pj smiled, pulling on Dan's shirt collar slightly. "Now come on. Don't wanna be late, now do we?"

"No. No we don't." Dan replied, grabbing Pj's hand and linking his fingers with his. "Let's go." And with that the pair was out the door and making their way down to the party.

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