Look At Me Now

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  • Dedicated to Sandra, Who threatened me -_-

hey... sorry for not updating ....

I was kind of busy, if you count homework.

I wasn't gonna update till like later... But my friend threatened me -__-

Olivia's writing this :)



I spat out blood and it fell into the grass with a splash. Drew stared at me with hate in his eyes. "I hate you." I said, while coughing up more blood.

"You made me do this." He hissed.

"I made you do nothing." I said, panting.

"Don't make me angry, it will make your condition ten times worse." He said.

My condition is the worse you can get. If he touched me again, I'd be dead.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What? Can you speak up?" He said.

"I said I'm fucking sorry! I didn't mean to make you like this, but I still can't forgive you for killing my father." I said.

"Well you have to learn to forgive, or you'll make Drew angry again." He said, playing with the knife in his pocket.

He came towards me and pressed the knife on the wound across my thigh. I hissed in pain. "You gonna forgive me?" Drew asked.

I didn't say anything so he pressed harder and I let out a scream. "Anwser me when I'm speaking to you." He said.

"No." I said in a strained voice.

"Then I guess I'm gonna have to make that cut deeper for you." He said, putting the knife back in the wound, splitting it open.

I screamed out in pain before blacking out.


Harrison stood in front of me, with a smirk. "I would say I'm not satisfied, but your not up to it." He said, looking at me.

"You are disgusting." I said, disgusted with him and myself.

"Thanks." He said.

"You feel like you've acomplished something? Your fucking your own sister!" I shouted.

"Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it." He sneered.

"I'm not gonna doing anything." I said.

He gave me a suspiscious look before walking to the cupboard to get more tools of evil.

I hope he doesn't catch on to my plan.


After Trey dragged me to the room we had a stare down before he snapped out of the trance. "You haven't changed Jenny, I'm surprised." He said.

"Leave me and my sister alone." I hissed, being careful not to shout because my throat is hurting.

"You know I can't do that Jen." He smirked.

"What do you want with us? I don't want you, I'm sure she doesn't want you either." I said.

"She ddin't tell you we used to date?" He said, with a half smile, half smirk.

I was ataken back by what he said, they used to date? Oh gosh...

"Staying silent? She didn't tell you? Boo-hoo." He said.

"Fuck you." I said.

"I would, but your not in shape." He smirked.

Thats when I flipped.

"Do you feel satisfied that your doing this? If you are, your sick.  Your mom may be the mayor of this certian place, but this dosen't mean you do this to inncoent girls, that want nothing to do with you." I hissed, in pain.

"You are so right." A voice, i didn't recongize said.

I looked up and I gasped.

It was Georgina and Roman's mom standing there displeased and annoyed.


I know it's short, but I couldn't think.

Sowwy :/

Well enjoy this short chapter.


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