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Filler chapter ;)



This is not happening. I never thought we would get caught!

"Err.. I can explain, Mrs Yates and Mrs.Everson." I said.

"Were waiting." Mrs.Everson said.

"Remeber when you said we could own anything? We thought you meant people..." I said.

"Excuse me? Did I say people? I meant something like a dog or car or house. Not a person!" Mrs.Yates snapped.

"You've abused these young ladies for no unapprent reason. What gives you a right to do that?" Mrs.Everson sneered.

"Wheres Roman? I want a word with him." Roman's mom said, annoyed.

"Were sorry." I said.

"No your not, you just want a got out of jail free card, your a piece of dog shit on my shoe." Sassia said under her breath.

"What was that?" I snapped.

"Trey." Roman's mom warned me.

I grunted and texted them to tell them the bad news. Few minutes later they all came dragging the girls with them. Georgina's mom had a sickened look on her face while Roman's mom shook her head in disgust.

"You four are in so much trouble I don't even think you will be able so see daylight again when I'm finished with you." Mrs.Yates snapped.

"My baby!" Mrs.Everson said, running over to Georgina who was slumped on the floor, looking dead. She looked Drew in the eye and gave him a bone-scaring glare.

Everyone knows what Drew did to Georgina's family, so he's not on anyones good side.

"I will make it my personal mission to hurt you before I die." Georgina's mom hissed.

Drew just stared at them blankly. Mrs.Yates walked up to Roman and slapped his face. "I will not have my son a abuser and killer! I've never been so ashamed of you Romani!" She shouted.

"Mom, let me speak." Roman said.

"Say what you have to say before I make sure you suffer." She growled.

His mom is the queen, she can literally do anything.

"All these girl desvered what they had coming to them." He said. "Georgina caused Drew to become this way, Nina broke my heart, Sassia made Trey this way, and Jenny ruined Harrison."

Sassia had enough strength to slap him in the face with such force. "You are a dickhead with no life, you think anyone would want you after this?" She sneered.

Then she fell to the floor with a thump. "I may hate him but no one speaks to him like that." Georgina hissed.

I had to hold myself back from hitting Georgina. She made me angry by hitting Sassia. I hope they haven't forgetten the bond.

"You didn't bond them did you?" Roman's mom asked.

None said anything.

"Roman,Trey,Harrison and Drew. I'm banishing you to jail for abuse and no persmission to bond these girls for 5 years." The Queen said.

If Girls Run The World, Then Boys Rule My Highschool.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora