1.9 • C a n Y o u S e e I n s i d e

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My eyes opened but barely and it was hard, a pressure was there trying to weigh them closed and for a while I couldn't fight it. Eventually, I found myself getting up although I didn't know how because I felt very out of it, as if I wasn't actually in my body but was just watching myself or hearing or feeling. I struggled to stand, swaying on my feet but something felt wrong and as I slowly but surely got back to my senses I remembered what had happened. Logan. Logan had beat me and taken Evie...

Immediately I was super alert, she was gone and I needed to know where she was and if she was safe. Embarrasment was a key feeling too, he had beat me up in front of Evie and I had not been able to fight back at all or defend her. I was a complete failure.

I stumbled out of the bedroom, away from the bed where I had been kissing Evie...I didn't even know how long ago it was, I didn't know how long I had been passed out. The door was not locked so I left and moved down the street quickly, looking at the floor so people wouldn't see my face which was no doubt messed up. I was disorientated, I wouldn't be able to tell anybody what day it was but I knew that Ashton's house was close and he would help me.

I got there quickly, I almost fell over multiple times but I managed to stay on my feet and get to the familiar front door where I banged frantically on the door. It took a minute or so but Lauren Irwin opened the door, I had know Lauren for a few years now, she liked me and we got on but when she saw me that day she let out an ear piercing scream and I realised that I probably looked like something from a horror movie.

"Lauren." I mumbled but my voice was hurt and sore, Logan must have hit my voice box or something.

"Lauren!" A small frantic voice appeared from behind her and Harry Irwin was at the door too, staring at me with wide eyes and he yelled in fright because they didn't know what had happened to fun Mikey. I fell forwards onto the door frame barely managing to hold myself up as I heard Mrs Irwins familiar comforting tone.

"What's happ- oh my..." She met my eyes as she paused in shock.

"Mrs Iriwin." I pleaded. And then I heard another familiar voice and I was so glad because no matter how shocked he was I knew he wouldn't freeze because he was such a good friend.

"Guys what's goi-" I met Ashton's eyes with desperation. "Fuck Michael!" He said frantically and ran forward putting his arm around me to help keep me balanced. It was such a strange situation that his mum didn't even tell him off for swearing.


"Mum get the first aid kit! Lauren, Harry go in the other room while me and mum sort Mikey out, okay?" Everybody nodded following Ashton's orders, he had been the man of the house for a while now. He silently and quickly led me into the kitchen and sat me down on a chair and kneeled down in front of me. "Mate, what happened?" He said quietly and clearly with worry.

I took a large breath, struggling. "Evie's boyfriend." His eyes widened.

"No!" He breathed. "Is she okay?" Ashton was genuinly anxious for the girl that it was so shockingly obvious I loved with everything in me. That broke me down. The pain, leftover adrenaline and just wanting to be strong how made me keep limping to Ashton's house but now there was nothing for me to think off. Tears began to leak quickly from my eyes along with a short sob.

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