Chapter one "the boring life of a dying empire"

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A/N: takes place at Volume 1
I've been in power for over 100k years, but since humans have decided to kill us for fun. And I have been trying not to murder every. Single. Human I see. I have secluded myself. I have been secluded for about two years until I was put into a deep sleep and just recently I noticed that I am one of the only dragons still alive.
Since I was King I have made over 20 God-like weapons for killing things I did. Or will continue to do so: killing demons, since humans don't posses the strength or power to stop a demon, I made weapons for them that could.
Since I have woken up from my slumber, I have kept my eyes on some very... Interesting girls... Being the king of dragons and a god in the form of a dragon, I have visions and I can see anything I want. Kinda.
There where twelve of them, I won't tell you their names just yet. But I've organized an... Outing for four of them soon...
I walked out of my large circular room into the mountain of where my castle was.
"Argh... This temperature would kill me if I wasn't used to it" I mumbled to myself.
I looked beyond my mountain and saw "Vale".
"It looks so peaceful from here" I grumbled while shacking my head lightly.
I wanted to go there and see what it's like but I knew I'd be killed, captured and experimented on, or just put me somewhere that would take to long to make so that makes no sense because no prison can hold me.
Then I got an idea.
Become a human! I thought that over and did so with ease. And I was engulfed in a blueish-red sphere.
When it dissipated I was a 7.6 human. And I had some demonic armor on with a great sword on my back with a towers-shield over it and I had a flintlock pistol on my hip. And I could still feel the dragon breath in my stomach.
"Let's see if I still have my strength and speed" I mumbled.
I burst ahead to a large bolder and punched it which caused it to turn into dust.
"Both are fine, now for my breath attack" I said rubbing my hands evilly.
I looked at another bolder.
"Prepare bolder" I whispered
I opened my mouth and blew out acid at the boulder which melted in seconds.
"Everything is a go... let's go" I mumbled and walked toward Vale...
... I've been standing in a dust shop for quite a while now, just looking at some dust seeing if I wanted any. But of course they didn't have corrosive dust (acid dust). I also didn't have my armor on because I didn't want to cause I panic.
"Where's the corrosive dust?!" I grumbled in annoyance.
I then heard the door ring behind me but totally ignored it.
"Do you know how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" A man asked alongside a laser sounding noise.
"Please, just take my linen and leave" the shop keeper replied.
"Humans and there disobedience" I thought shaking my head.
"Shshshsh, I don't want your money... Grab the dust" the man said sharply
The men then pulled up a case and put it on the counter and opened it. It had multiple empty tubes. That when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hands where I can see em'!" Someone barked.
I turned around and was met with a man in a black tuxedo and red glasses.
I said nothing, I just stood there with my arms at my side.
"I SAID HANDS I-" I punched him in the stomach which went right threw him and made my arm start burning which in turn burned him.
He went limp not many seconds later and I removed my hand.
When he fell everyone was looking at me, I also a noticed a girl with a scythe outside also looking at me.
I smirked and looked at the goons in front of me. I looked at the closest one and grabbed him telepathically and threw at the rest. They all flew outside to the girl who would I hope would deal with them.
I looked at the man in white.
"Well friends I think we could all say this has been an eventful evening but I'm afraid this where we have to part ways" the man in white said, the hole time he had the end of his cane pointed at me and he shot. And then at red.
I grabbed his bullet and ate it, it was more of a flare actually.
I could feel myself get slightly stronger. See whenever I eat or consume something I get stronger. If I eat something like a gun I get guns or something on my body, and dragon body.
I looked at where the man was standing and noticed he was climbing up a bailing from the ladder.
I noticed the girl already chasing him so I went after Red and Man In White.
I was behind Red and noticed a bullhead pull up from where he was.
He jumped in the bullhead and stood there and looked back.
"It's been fun but I've gotta go" he yelled and threw a red dust gem at Reds feet.
My instincts kicked in and I lunged forward and grabbed it and threw it into my mouth and ate it. And felt myself get much stronger.
"Ahhhh, pure gems are good" I mumbled in satisfaction.
I looked back at the bullhead and unloaded my molten lava at it. The lava seared threw the very tip of the cockpit.
And I then noticed multiple laser-like things hit the bullhead one time each.
I turned around and saw another girl, and Red, but I got a good look them

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