Chapter three "classes and Feelings"

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I woke up from my sleep from my more then uncomfortable bed. For some reason my emotions and feelings are surfacing to my mind. Like when I first met Glynda a didn't think much of it until last night. I don't know why but I can't stop the emotions and such from surfacing.
"Multiple eons of sadness and such takes a toll when you meet a sexy women like Pyrrha or Glynda" I mumbled sadly.
I stood up up and took a nice long shower and let the hot water cascade over my body. (Sounds weird to me sometimes)
I finished a few minutes later and got out of the shower and summoned clothes and put them on. I grabbed my schedule and some other works and note taking tools and such with me.
"Just cause I hate humans doesn't mean I don't admire them" I mumbled.
I opened the door to my dorm and noticed quite a few people walking to the direction of my first class with Mr Port.
I was worked up and kinda happy so I stayed awake the hole class. This class is easily the most boring and useless class. The most important and fun class is easily the combat training. One reason is because it's with Professor GoodWitch.
I smiled just thinking about it. Then the bell rang for my third class. (I have four in all).
And I was out the door instantly.
I smiled as I made my way to Professor GoodWitches class. And I was the first one here. So I took a seat.
When Glynda looked up she glared at me.
"And why are you here already? Nobody's here that early.
I decided to lie.
"Because I want to go to the gym after and I can't do that unless I finish this class" I said.
Her glare dropped and looked down.
"Alright" she said sadly.
It made me cry mentally because it was so sad. And that's when all the students got in and looked at me.
"Here early?" A student asked.
"And what's your explanation for bein here late?" I asked pointing at the clock that showed 2:26.
He growled and sat down.
After a few minutes of talking about herself and who she was she decided to kick it off with a spar.
"Pyrrha. You are going to be the first person. So choose your combatant" Glynda said.
Nobody raised there hand because they knew they would lose. So I raised my hand. And I heard a whisper beside me.
"Put your hand down, don't you know what she's capable of?" The student asked.
"I guess I'll find out" I replied
"You up in the back" Pyrrha said pointing at me.
"Well that was quite fast, nobody raises there hand to spar with Pyrrha" Glynda said slightly surprised.
"I aim to please" I said with a bow and walked down to the arena.
"3. 2. 1. GO!" Glynda announced.
I smiled when Pyrrha tried to jab me with her spear in the face but I simply moved my head to the left.
I dodged a shield bash and another jab to the stomach. Then she transformed her spear into a rifle.
I was caught of guard by this and punched the ground to make a shield around the front of me to block the bullets.
When she was reloading. Which keep in mind took like three seconds for her. I walked up to her and punched her in the gut.
She coughed up a small amount of blood. I then went to trip her but she dodged with a back flip. She landed on her feat.
I started clapping for taunting reasons.
"Good job. Though I haven't needed to use Flint or Scar. But that doesn't matter your do-" she punched me in the gut but I didn't budge
I smiled down at her when she did a few flips to move away from an attack.
I clapped ounce in her direction which made a shock wave that forced her back against the wall.
"I'm not even using my magic or powers, just my normal self as if I had no semblance, so I hope you like that" I said as she stood up.
"Stop talking and start fighting" she growled and charged at me with her spear and shield in hand and facing me.
I smiled and grabbed her shield and crushed it and melted her weapon.
She looked kind of frightened and backed up cautiously.
"Don't run I'm just getting started" I said and summoned a decent sword and tossed it to her feat.
She looked at it and picked it up.
"Now come at me. This is now a demonstration of what it's like to fight pair at times" I said and motioned for her to come at me.
She did so with great speed. I opened my mouth and fire burst out that could melt anything. But I made it not as powerful because I didn't want to kill her.
When the fire dissipated Pyrrha was on the ground completely drained of her aura. Which in turn made me smile and kneel down.
"You couldn't have beaten me even if you tried, so don't get mad, the only possible people that could kill e would be every single god against me at once, but then again they sent that tough. I was just going easy on you" I said and offered a hand which she took.
"I needed that. Thank you" she replied
"My pleasure. Everyone needs to know that even the strongest huntress-in-training can be defeated" I said. And looked at Glynda.
"Do I get to fight another person?" I asked.
"No you showed enough"she said sternly. I could literally feel the warmth from her body and her cheeks were a light tint of red.
"What ever you say professor" I said and walked up the steps to my original seat. And sat down.
"You kicked her ass" a student whispered beside me.
"Wasn't that hard" I said plainly.
There was a silence the rest of class except Glynda lecturing us on aura.
I almost dozed off because it was boring but I kept my head in the game.
I smiled when the bell wrung.
"Mr. Nate I need to speak with you after class" Glynda called.
I sighed.
"WWWHHHYYY?!" I mentally yelled
I just sat in my desk until there was nobody left.
"Do you know what you did wrong in that spar?" She asked.
I thought about it as I walked down to where she was sitting with a leg over another on top of her desk.
When I got to her after thinking I spoke.
"Fire breathing" I answered with confidence.
"Exactly. And do you know why that's bad?" She asked.
"Because I'd become a chick magnet" I thought.
"Because it shows that I'm a dragon, or dragon faunes" I replied.
"Exactly. So don't do it. I suggest you go train so you don't use it" she said.
"The hole part of being a dragon is the deadly breath, but if you say so I won't argue" I said which made her blush.
"Ok I need to go train now because my mom said so" I said bolting out the door.
"Argh that kids going to get himself killed" Glynda mumbled loud enough for my senses to hear.
I shot through the door in front of her.
"I'm multiple millennia old so I'm not a child" I said and burst off to the training ground.
"I beg to differ" she mumbled.
I didn't bother going back. But I will make you beg...

A/N Hey guys how do you like that one? These don't usually take long to make. This one was fun typing though. And as always (for this story at least)
#long live the king

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