Chapter four "tranformation" (lemon)

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A/N some weird and sexy shit happens in this part. You have been warned.
I finally found what I was looking for. The gym. I entered and noticed nobody there.
I sighed in relief. I looked for a punching bag or a bench press.
I found the bag first. I took my shirt reviewing the multiple spikes on my back and my scales. I punched the bag a few times lightly to make sure I didn't break it. Eventually the inevitable happened and the bag popped which cause a yelp and turned to see a purple cape disappear.
I chuckled.
"If you wanted you could've just said hi" I said putting my shirt back on and exiting the room. Nobody was there.
I looked around confused but just went back to my dorm to sleep the rest of my night off...
******next morning in cafeteria******
I sat next to team CFVY (I'm sorry I've been messing up with this teams name lol) since I knew Yatsuhashi. I know I was easily the tallest person in Beacon. He was before me, he's 7ft tall while I'm 7.6ft tall.
"Sup guys" I said sitting next to Yatsuhashi.
"Hey Nate" Yatsuhashi said.
"Who are these three?" I asked.
"That's Coco Adel,our leader. Velvet Scarlatina. And last but not least Fox Alistair" he said.
"Nice to meet you three, my name is Nathaniel, but I prefer Nate" I said.
"Nice to finally meet you Nate" Coco said.
"Yatsuhashi has told us a lot about you" Velvet said
"I heard that he kicked the crap out of Pyrrha" Fox said
Everyone went wide eyed that heard, mostly our group and the surrounding area but some Faunes further away.
"Liar! She's the best student in this academy!" Coco almost yelled.
"Ask her then" Fox said
"Ask Pyrrha if she got her ass kicked? That's suicide" Velvet said in a surprised tone.
"Well, I'm not much of a talker or a social person so I don't like being famous" I said calmly.
"Get used to it bud. It's going to happen a lot now" Yatsuhashi said.
I smiled at his enthusiasm.
"Well I'm glad your enthusiastic about it" I said.
I was then almost hit by an apple but I grabbed it in mid air as it was an inch from my head. And threw it back and heard a yelp in response.
"Throwing food is never a sign" I said and looked around and noticed a small pockets of people around throwing food at each other. Mostly different teams.
I smiled.
"Welp. My hypothesis is correct" I said.
"FOOD FIGHT!" I heard Yang yell.
"That" I said with a chuckle.
Thad when I made a bubble shield to protect us from food.
"Let's finish them we can join" I said.
They just chuckled.
"We're going to be eating a while then" Yatsuhashi said.
I chuckled.
"Indeed friend" I replied.
***10 minutes later of food fighting***
The doors opened to reveal Glynda.
Some food was thrown her way but she caught them with a vortex-like shield.
"That's interesting" I thought and copied her semblance.
She staggered back and almost hit the ground but there was thankfully a wall there.
"I feel dizzy" she groaned and took back to fixing things.
When she was finished she walked over to me, team CFVY all ready left.
"I know you did that" she groaned in pain.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"You did something with my semblance" she struggled to say something.
"I'm copying it. It hurts but it's worth it" I said.
"Maybe for you" Glynda cringed in pain.
"Do you want a bandage?" I asked.
She growled and cringed in pain.
"I'll help you and this never happened" I said.
She nodded slowly while trying to keep back screaming in pain by biting her lip.
I then teleported us to my dorm and she was in the bed laying there still in pain, possibly even more.
I made the room sound proof so no sound could get in or out,
I also locked the door and reinforced it with magic.
"Why did you bring me back m-" she grunted in pain and grabbed her head.
"This hurts so much" she groaned.
"It'll be worth it" I said squeezing her wrist lightly.
That's when she started changing slightly. She now had scales start appearing on her back and arms.
She looked at herself and she literally screamed in pain.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!!" She screamed in pain.
"When I copy a semblance it places dragon blood cells into the body, eventually becoming a dragon faunes. But no fully, you will be three times stinger and faster, get another semblance. And also very tough" I said
"But I didn't want this" she whimpered.
"Dear Ozzy didn't tell you? Well he killed my friend. It made me so mad I was contemplating on killing every human. But instead I thought of away to get him back. Use his students and people I like. To turn into dragon faunes. And see how he likes it, and what it's like to have loss" I said the last part angrily.
"But why me?" She squeaked.
"Because I can, and because I like you. But your far to young, and not Adrain faunes, or dragon. So I'm making you a dragon" I said.
"But i didn't want this. I like you to. But *pained grunt*. I didn't want this" she replied.
"But I can do what I want. I'm a god, but I'm not going to brag. You sent the only one I'm turning into a dragon faunes, or dragon" I started
"What else will happen to me?" Glynda asked
"Find out" I said and lightly stabbed her arm to speed up the process.
She screamed in pain.
"Please stop!!" She pleaded.
"I need this to finish faster so I can mark you" I whispered into her ear.
"M-Mark me?" She asked.
"I bite a mark into your neck that marks you as mine" I said
"T-Tell me why your doing this" she said
"I used to love living on this planet, but when dear Oz decided to kill my friends I swore vengeance. So I'm doing it right now. And I'm also getting a plus" I said into her ear.
By now her entire body except for her head had scales on it, she also had a tail about three feet long like me, but mine was four feet long. Her breasts have grown to triple D's, and she is also about almost 7ft tall.
She now started groaning in pain again as her clothes where now ripping under her changes.
Soon her clothes were rags on her body.
"Your going to need new clothes" I said
"I noticed" she groaned in pain for the twentieth time.
I summoned a new pair of clothes for her. The same as her old ones except larger.
I sat down on the bed with her.
"Why do I have this overwhelming pleasure feeling?" She asked.
"In this year, every year. A female dragon faunes, or dragon in general are in a heat. And since your the last one your heat is very strong. And if not satisfied you could die" I said.
She promptly pulled her head up to look at me.
"Please stop" she pleaded
"I don't think I can now that your already almost done" I said and kissed her forcefully on the lips.
Her transformation was completed and her body was much more toned and stronger.
"I feel like I just came out of a hot bath" she said breaking the kiss.
"That's what I've been told" I said.
She now has a lust in her eyes and she looked at me.
"Please help me with this" she said.
I smirked and kissed her not as rough.
I prodded her lips with my long forked tongue. And she opened her mouth.
She moaned with delight and grabbed my back, steering clear of the many spikes.
"Your good at this" she moaned and jerked her hips up to my waist.
"Well this is my first time so don't expect anything special" I said
She smirked and ripped my pants and boxers off and looked at my erect manhood.
"Well someone's excited" she said slyly.
I smiled and pressed it inter her dripping wet pussy and listened to her moan in pleasure.
"It's so big!" She screamed as I rammed my manhood into her all the way.
I had a devious smile and rutted her like a mad man, I did eventually release my payload at her demand but she was unconscious when I was finished so I got dressed. When I was finished she was awake again.
"That was awesome, and thank you, but how am I to hide my scales and such?" She asked.
I smiled and put a hand in the middle of her chest. Witch caused her to bite her tongue.
I gave her the ability to change her appearance.
She smiled and made herself look like what she used to.
"Thanks again, I'll be off now" she said and kissed me deeply and tried opening he door then I remembered what I did.
"Oh sorry" I said and got rid of the spells.
She winked and left.

#long live the king

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