Venus Signs

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Don't check yours.. Check your crush's ,lover's  etc. Sign
To prevent harmful heartbreak, by way of relationships, flings, or crushes, may I present the negative aspects of Venus in the signs:

Aries: rash; the heart acts on its own accord, making hasty declarations, and moving from one conquest to the next; relationships lack caution and care, but jealousy will be present.

Taurus: greedy; an intensely selfish desire for pleasure & satisfaction, uses only the worth & immediate advantage of love; self-serving approach to relationships.

Gemini: flighty; the heart is restless & unsure, and prefers to keep romance light to avoid emotional involvement; words can trick you into believing that there is substance, when love is just a game.

Cancer: suffocating; love can feel claustrophobic, affections are trapping; once emotional feelings are confessed, consider your heart possessed; they will never let you go. 

Leo: egocentric; the heart is territorial, and without regard to the feelings of others, on the hunt for a vain validation in a mate; there are over sized standards the relationship must reach.

Virgo: finicky; quick to find faults, & pick apart romantic feelings, the heart is hard to please, and you may find that nothing is ever good enough; but there is a reliance on your approval.

Libra: shallow; the mind ignores & overrules emotions, basing love on aesthetic appearances, seeking the perfect partner; there is little emotion exchange, and they feel disconnected from you.

Scorpio: suspicious; mistrust makes the heart & soul insecure about faithfulness, leading to jealously and calculated manipulation; the possessiveness and control may bury you.

Sagittarius: impetuous; fleeting feelings keep the heart fluttering to the next prize, without care or consideration of others, so watch out for a Lothario or Jezebel who just wants to get in your pants.

Capricorn: formal: the wintry stiffness of the heart freezes romance into an automatic routine that lacks excitement and/or change; even when love has evaporated, the relationship will continue like a business partnership.

Aquarius: robotic; feels mechanical & unemotional, with little to no warmth or passion or deep connection, it always feels friendly, never loving; there is palpable distance and the intellect rules the heart.

Pisces: nebulous; the true feelings are uncertain, the heart is hazy, and emotions have more than one meaning, which makes romance deceptive and misleading.

P.S. You were warned…

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