What The Hell?

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Hi guys I bet the first chapter sucked ass, sorry about that. Anyway lets see whats gonna happen when Eren ends up on Levi's doorstep. Oops. Spoiler alert. Enjoy :).

Eren's p.o.v

You know that feeling when your unconscious after getting beat? Well, that's how I feel, my father beat me again for not inviting his friend Eld. It was one day, he beat me until I passed out, when I woke up he beat me again. I didn't care though, I'm used to it. He's been beating me since my mother died, she died after I was born, and he blamed me for it everyday of my life. I started to think so too. My father used to be the King but the kingdom voted for me to be the King. So here I am King Eren of the Demons, even though my father isn't the king anymore, he still has his powers. So he uses his powers to beat me, the wounds he gives me could heal. But the only way they could heal, is if the person thinks its not there fault, but I believe it is my fault so they don't heal. There were times he is nice, but that's only when his friends or mine are at the palace, which is almost all the time. His friends and mine knew what he was doing to me, but couldn't do anything. "Get the fuck up and get out!" He yelled at me after he was done beating me, but this time he went to far, I had huge gashes all over my body, and tons of bruises, I got up as quickly as I could, and ran out of my palace, you heard me right MY palace. I kept running till I passed out at a random palace doorstep, hoping I didn't get any blood on the porch.

Levi's p.o.v

I heard a thump outside my door, I grumbled as I got up, and what the fuck do I see? King Fucking Eren passed out covered in huge ass fucking cuts, and bruises "shit" I muttered. I picked him up bridal style, him yelping in pain, but didn't wake up. I set him gently on the couch while I got bandages and shit to clean the wounds. "who the hell did this?" I guess he woke up and heard me "M-my F-father" he stammered out gritting his teeth as I was applying alcohol to clean his wound "your father!? THE HELL DID HE DO THIS FOR!" I yelled he screamed in pain, I accidentally pushed one of his wounds. "Shit, sorry kid" He nodded "It's fine, he normally doesn't go this far" He said before passing out. He was barely breathing, I panicked "HANJI, PETRA COME NOW IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" I screamed out. Soon enough both were there, "awww who's this?" "God damn, Hanji carry him to the infirmary now!" Petra yelled at her. Hanji nodded and picked Eren up, causing him to wimper, I felt tears in my eyes, I hated seeing people in pain. "It'll be ok Levi, I'll get him patched up in no time" Petra said and followed Hanji. I followed them. Hanji set Eren down on the table "Petra look for his pulse, and get me the stuff for surgery, he might need it" she nodded and got everything and looked for his pulse "Hanji, I can't find it" she said. Hanji came over and listened for his heart. "he's alive, but barely, time for surgery, get the oxygen mask, and pain killers" Petra scrambled around and got everything, I sat in the chair, wide eyed at the scene. It took probably two hours until the surgery ended. His ribs were broken, which made one of his organs bleed, he needed over 10 stitches, and he needed food and rest. I sat with him until he woke up. He probably woke up two days later. "Shit, where am I? Oh god damn it Dad's gonna kill me!" he got up and screamed in pain. "Hey, calm down, you need to rest" his eyes turned red and black, I saw all his wounds disappear and he said in a voice I'll never forget "Get.Your.Hands.Off" he growled. I froze. He got up and left. When I turned on the TV the next day Eren's father was dead and Eren ruled the kingdom, his party was still going to happen, just more people were coming. "Petra, Hanji,Let's go!" HE must be in denial.

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