Author's Note

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@Wierd_Phangirl, thank you for being the first to comment on my story I appreciate that. Now with a further a do I have some important things to tell you, nah just kidding. But I now have a computer, so I will be able to update more often, before I had updated on my phone, which I got taken a lot by my step-dad who was a complete asshole. And, I'm sorry that this story is probably shitty as hell, I'm sorry about that. The last chapter was really short because I wasn't supposed to have my phone, but being the rebellious teenager that I am, I stole it to update real quick, then got it  taken again, the reason my other story has a longer chapter is because I asked my teacher if I could update it, she said sure after I told her I was probably gonna get yelled at because it was a "project" for my English class, which was a lie. Anyway, I do hope that y'all are enjoying my books, you can vote, comment, ask me questions, message me, or you don't have to. But there is one thing, I'm not good at writing smut so if any of you want to just message me. And I might update this story tomorrow, if I don't spam me as much as you like. Bye my little Erieri lovers, have a good night, I will be updating one or two of my stories, maybe this one as well. Anyway, I saw that word way too much, but as I was saying, GOOD NIGHT OR MORNING OR AFTERNOON TO YOU ALL SORRY I INTERRUPTED ANYTHING IMPORTANT. And thank you to all of you that are reading these crappy stories of mine. Also this is a shout out to one of my friends y'all should go to this account sleepyash0918 she is an amazing writer, she is making a girl x girl and  boy x boy story.   


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