Don't Approve Then Your Outta Here

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Eren's pov
My body felt weak, and tired. Damn, I must've used too much of my power, "ugh, this sucks!" I look to the side and see Levi "Levi! Wha-what're you doing here?!?" He looked at me with relief in his eyes "oh thank fucking Satan your awake! Jeez Eren don't fucking scare us like that! You know better you fucking idiot, you had all of us worried!" I look at you tears forming in my eyes "I-I'm sorry, I-I d-don't mean to" he came over and hugged me "Eren, I'm not mad at you, you just worried us that's all. And I have a question" he let go of me and looked st me with a serious expression "ok" I say wearily. Levi cleared his throat "um, h-how did you lose your liver?" I looked st him surprised and looked away mumbling "Eren" I sigh "my dad took it as a punishment, cause I didn't invite one of his friends to my party" I say fiddling with my fingers. "Are you fucking kidding me?! What the hell was this fucking assholes problem?! You don't just take someone's fucking liver just because your mad! Like what the hell! What kind of father does that!?!?" He yelled "Levi calm down there's nothing you can do, since I took care of him already" I looked at you. "Hey Levi since the war is over, are we gonna tell your people now, I mean mine already know about us" he simply just stared at me, "yes, once you get healed up we will alright?" He took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly I smiled at him. "Don't worry I'll be healed up in 3...2...1 ya da!" I get up "now come on!" I grab his hand and walk out to our people "you ready?" He nods and clears his throat "EVERYONE WE HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU" "on the count of three we say it alright?" Levi nods "one,two,three, LEVI AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED, IF YOU DON'T APPROVE THEN COME UP HERE" about 20 people came up. I grinned evilly  "you made a mistake" before they could say anything I ripped their bodies to pieces "anyone else?" No one came up instead they all cheered "wow, Eren" I smiled at Levi. And jumped down "tonight there will be another party, and your all invited" I smiled as everyone cheered and said congratulations. "See Levi not as bad as we thought it would be,right" he simply  nodded, still surprised by what I did. "Levi, I'm not the same sweet little kid I used to be" I said quietly. He looked at me "I know" and walked away "Petra, Hange, let's go we'll be back later" I watched him leave as tears came to my eyes Jean came over to me "it's alright Eren, he just has to process it that's all, he doesn't understand what you've been through" I nodded and went to my room

See I told you, I know it's shit, but hey at least I wrote something. And if your expecting smut then ha your funny. I don't feel comfortable writing it but if y'all want smut then you can message me or comment about it and I'll allow you to write it.

And listen to this song

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And listen to this song. It's amazing along with Cuckoo by Adam Lambert

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