1. Moving in and Early Disagreements

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Lilia POV

"Please behave for your brothers while I'm gone, promise?" My dad pleads, softly.

"Why can't you stay?" I question, tears falling slowly down my face.

"I've been ordered to take this deployment, I couldn't say 'no'. I'll be back in a few months; it will be a good bonding time for you and your brothers." He tries reasoning, but I'm not giving in so easily.

"They were never around before; if they never cared, why should I?" I fold my arms across my chest in defiance, a childish act on my part, but I don't care.

"We both have flights to catch, and you are getting on that plane. I still want you to promise me that you'll behave and try to get along with your brothers." They're my half-brothers: we have the same mother. My dad's wife had three small children when they got married and then I came along a few years later.

"I'm not promising anything except that I'll get on the plane, but there is a good possibility that I will run away once I get there."

"If you run away, you will not like the consequences, am I understood?" I look at the ground, I know exactly what "consequences" he's referring too. My dad believe in old fashioned, corporal punishment: spanking. I am not a fan myself, but it puts me back in line when I've stepped over it.

"Yes, sir," I say, quietly.

"Come here, Li," He opens his arms and embraces me in a warm hug, "I won't be able to call much, but I will when I can."


"Only if you promise to try to get along with your siblings."

"Okay, I promise,"

"Good, then I promise, too, and don't get into too much trouble."

"Define too much," I smile.

"I knew I shouldn't have said that, please make it easy on your brothers,"

"That's no fun."

"Neither are the consequences now, are they?"

"I won't get into too much trouble." I hear them call my flight over the intercom.

"That's your cue."

"I don't want to go."

"I love you no matter what, trouble." He assures me.

"I love you too, dad." I tear myself away from him in order to board my plane. I look back once more before stepping into the tunnel. My dad is watching me, so I wave one last time. It is going to be a long few months.

The wheels lift off the ground and my breath catches in my throat from the sudden altitude change.

"Don't like flying much, eh?" The man sitting next to me asks; he is young, probably in his thirties.

"No, sir, I actually love it; I just wasn't ready." I reply. I'm not ready for this change, "to take off."

"What's your name?"


"It's nice to meet you Lilia, I'm Will,"

"It's nice to you as well,"

"So, where are you headed?"

"California, sir," I reply, politely.

"Only my employees call me sir," He corrects, gently.

"Sorry, s-

"You weren't about to say sir, were you?" He smiles a little.

"No, ma'am?" I smile a little bit at my quick comeback.

Love and Rebellion (Jonas sister spanking)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat