4. Running Away and Facing the Consequences

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It's been a week since I moved in with Joe and Nick, and so far things have been running smoothly. I have managed to stay out of trouble, well, I haven't gotten caught for anything. This morning I wake up in a foul mood, upset that dad didn't call me last night like he promised. I stayed awake until 3am last night, waiting and worrying. I roll over and check my phone. I see that I have a new text. I unlock my phone and read the text
Dad: I'm sorry that I didn't call, I hope you're having fun with your brothers. Love, dad.
I growl and slam my phone down on the nightstand. I kick my legs over the side of my bed and get up. It's a Saturday so Kevin doesn't have to work, and he told me that he was going to spend the day with Nick, Joe, and I. I'm really not in the mood to deal with anyone today. I go to my closet and grab an outfit. I quickly change into the denim shorts and tshirt that I had grabbed. I slip on some Vans and put my hair up into a ponytail. I put my phone in my pocket, making sure to turn off "find my friends" so that my brothers couldn't track me. I climb out the window and down the fire escape. My feet hit the ground and I take off running. I don't know where I'm going, but I know that I need to be alone. I don't stop until I hear my phone going off. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see an incoming call from Kevin. Soon, the call is replaced by a text.
I decide to reply so he doesn't call the police on my ass.
Me: I'm fine, but I need to be alone.
Kevin: You need to come home
Me: No, I don't want to
Kevin: I wasn't asking if you wanted to. Get. Back. Here. Now!
Reading his tone sends shivers down my spine, but I shake it off and put my phone away. I keep walking until I reach a river. I sit down on the grassy beach and lie down. I feel emotions overwhelm me. I start crying and can't bring myself to stop. I stay that way for a while, tears falling freely and sadness encompassing me. Eventually, I fall asleep, but I'm rudely awoken by my phone.
"What the hell do you want?" I ask, too tired to check and see who's calling.
"I want a change of attitude," Joe says into the phone. I cringe slightly, knowing I'm in deep shit.
"I'm sorry" I mutter.
"Turn around," He says and I turn to see Joe standing behind me. I hang up the phone and stand up, knowing that I don't have any other option at this point.
"Get in the car," He says, leaving no room for argument. I continue towards the car, my arms folded across my chest. I might be obeying but I'm not happy about it. I roll my eyes as I walk past Joe to make my annoyance obvious. I'm almost at the car when I feel a sharp sting on my ass.
"Ow," I grunt, reaching back to cover my butt.
"Last warning about your attitude." He says.
"Or what?" I say, talking back, narrowing my eyes at him.
"You don't want to know. Just get in the car, sit down, and shut up." I let out a huff and turn to do what I'm told. Once again, I feel an all-too-familiar sting on my ass... again. I open the car door and get in the car, without making a sound. Joe gets in on the other side and starts the car. The anger I feel towards Joe is quickly replaced by how much I miss my dad.
"When we get home, you need to go to your room and stay in your room, understood?" Joe asks, pulling me from my thoughts. I nod my head in response, "Good."
As soon as we pull into the driveway, I get out of the car and go upstairs to my room. I lie down on my bed and start to cry again.
"Hey, baby, what's the matter?" Nick asks, gently wiping the tears from my face.
"I miss dad," I reply.
"Didn't you talk to him last night?"
"He never called. He sent an apology text later because he felt bad though," I say.
"And you just felt like you needed to actually talk to him," Nick questions.
"Yeah, I've never gone this long without talking to him."
"I know it's hard, Li,"
"I'm sorry for running away tonight." I say, quietly.
"Ah, yes, we need to take care of that," Nick says, standing up. I slowly sit up.
"How many?"
"If you were in my shoes, how many do you think you deserve?"
"I don't know,"
"Think about it, I'm not starting until you answer. I won't change the number you're receiving, but I want you to think." Great. Well, I ran away, even though it wasn't far and I was going to come back. I did turn off Find my Friends so they didn't know that... oops. Strike one. Then I gave Kevin attitude through texting and I gave Joe attitude as well. I think don't think he'll add for both, so strike 2.
"Why?" I hate that question.
"Because I ran away and nobody knew where I was, and I gave Kevin and Joe attitude."
"You were right, 25 is how many you're getting." Nick explains and I cringe at the thought, "Trust me, I really don't want to do this but Kevin and Joe aren't too happy with you. They'll calm down, but they're too emotional to punish you." I nod and, without needing any further instruction, I get into position. I hear Nick remove his belt and then I feel the sting of the leather not long after. SMACK.
The first couple strikes take my breath away. I wasn't expecting it to hurt that much. SMACK. Another one lands, and I bite my lip to stop myself from making a sound. SMACK. SMACK.
"Nick, please stop." I cry after the fifteenth one lands on my thighs. He definitely spanks harder than Joe.
"I'm sorry." I cry as the twentieth SMACK hits.
"Only five more," Nick says, and I can hear the hesitation in his voice.
SMACK I don't know why I was so stupid SMACK running away SMACK and worrying my brothers SMACK SMACK
"It's okay, it's over." Nick says, dropping the belt and wrapping me in a hug.
"I won't do it again, I promise. I'm so sorry." I cry.
"I hope you keep that promise because I don't want to have to do that again." He says, rubbing my back gently.
"I love you, Lilia."
"I love you, too." I hiccup.
I eventually calm my breathing and stop crying, and Nick hugs me for a few more minutes before letting me go.
"Kevin and Joe were more worried than I was. Now, I'm not saying that you owe them an apology, but you do owe us an explanation. So, let's go downstairs and talk about it, okay?" He speaks to me gently, but his tone leaves no room for argument.
"Yes, sir," I say, wiping a few stray tears from my face. He takes my hand and leads me downstairs to where the other boys are.
Joe immediately comes over to me and wraps me in a hug.
"Don't ever scare us like that again. We were so worried." He says, pulling away.
"I'm sorry." I reply, quietly.
"Why Lilia?" Kevin asks, folding his arms across his chest. I guess he doesn't forgive and forget as quickly as the other two.
"Dad didn't call me last night, and I woke up in a bad mood because we've never gone this long without speaking. I just really miss him, and the thought of spending the day with you guys made me sad because you'd remind me of him. I wanted space from you. I wanted to be alone."
"We would have given you space if you had asked, and we would have let you leave if we knew where you were going." Kevin explains.
"I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't thinking."
"Hey, calm down," Nick says, putting a hand on my shoulder, "I made sure she won't even think about going somewhere without telling us again."
"Dad would kill us if something happened to you." Joe interjects and I feel a lump rise in my throat. He probably worries about me as much as I worry about him.
"I know," I reply.
"Good, well let's get you some food since you haven't eaten yet, I'm sure." I have to stop myself from audibly whining, but I know it shows on my face.
"Hey the only reason you weren't punished for skipping 2 meals is because it wasn't your intention." Joe informs, "so please don't start with the attitude, understood?"
"Yes, sir," I grit out.
"Good, then I'll fix you a plate." Joe leaves the room, but I stay behind with Nick and Keving.
"Kevin, can we have a do over and hang out tomorrow?" I ask him.
"Fine, but you can't run away first." He says, slightly teasing but more serious.
"Yes, sir," I say with a salute and he smiles at me.

Author's Note:
I'm sorry this chapter was a little bit shorter. If anyone has any recommendations or requests as to what happens next, feel free to message me or comment below!

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