7: Pancakes and Prep School pt. 1

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Lilia POV
I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. I smiled, knowing that it was most likely my dad cooking them. I roll out of bed and get dressed in sweatpants and a white t-shirt before heading down to the kitchen. I put my hair up in a ponytail as I walk, tripping and almost falling several times. I get to the kitchen and I see Erica standing over the griddle. I freeze in the doorway before someone comes up behind and puts their hands on my shoulders. I jump in response and hear my dad's chuckle.
"Good morning," He says, planting a kiss on my head.
"Morning." I growl and he swats my butt which really only hurt because I had just been spanked the night before.
"No need to be grumpy this morning." He scolds before walking past me and over to Erica.
"Thanks for helping me with breakfast," He says to Erica, and I can't help but roll my eyes. I look back over and I know my dad saw by the look he was giving me. I just shrug at him, "Why don't you set the table, Lilia?" I go over to the cabinet and retrieve plates and silverware, setting them on the kitchen table.
"Whatever you're making smells good." Nick says, walking in. He comes over to me and kisses the top of my head.
"How are you doing?" He asks, quietly. I turn to look at him, giving him a pained face.
"You were kind of asking for it." He chuckles.
"I know," I sigh. Joe walks in with a smile on his face.
"What's got you in such a good mood this morning son?" Dad asks.
"Well, I just got an email saying that Lilia has been accepted at Los Angeles Preparatory Academy, which happens to be one of the most prestigious schools in the nation." Joe explains, and I feel my stomach drop. It's then that it hits me, when dad leaves, he's not coming back for several months.
"Wh-what?" I ask, looking at my dad, trying not to cry in front of Erica.
"Since I will be gone for a while, I thought it would be a good idea to have you enrolled in school here. If I get to come home before the end of the semester, I'll just stay here with all of you and let you finish it out before we go home." He explains.
"I'm glad you felt the need to tell me about your plan for my life, oh right, you didn't." I say, sarcastically. I start to walk out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Dad asks and I don't reply. I go up to my room, and sit down on my bed. I can't believe he didn't tell me.
"Can I come in?" Erica asks, knocking on my door.
"It's a free country," I say, laying down on my bed.
"I'm sorry," She says.
"What for? You don't have anything to apologize for." I reply.
"Actually, I do. I'm the one who suggested enrolling you in school here. What I'm sorry for is acting like it was my place to give your dad advice about the matter. He was planning on you being homeschooled until he got back, but I suggested he put you in school because then you'd have a place to spend time apart from your brothers and make friends. My dad was in the military, and I cannot express just how important having my friends to rely on and spend time with meant to me. He was going to talk to you about it, but I thought you would say that you'd prefer homeschooling because going to school would make this situation feel more permanent. With his job, permanent is good for you. I know because I went through the same thing you are. So, if you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me. I'm sorry if I overstepped." Erica explains. I process everything she just said and it all makes sense, "He was going to tell you, but it slipped his mind. He forgot to bring it up whenever he talked to you, and I guess Joe just thought your dad had told you."
"Thanks for telling me, and thanks for trying to do what's best for me. That actually means a lot to me."
"You're welcome. I know how much it affects you to be without your dad, and I know it can be hard. I think you'll like going to school here, and I think it will help pass the time more."
"Your breakfast is going to be cold if you guys don't come down soon." I hear my dad say. I look over at my door and see him leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, but he doesn't look upset.
"I'm on my way." Erica says with a smile before exiting. I'm starting to think that her and I might actually get along. I walk over to my dad and give him a hug.
"I'm sorry I was disrespectful downstairs." I say, softly.
"I know." He says, hugging me back, "Let's go eat." I let go and turn to leave before feeling two sharp SMACKs on my ass.
"Just a little reminder." He chuckles.
"I'll try not to be disrespectful anymore," I say, "at least for today."
"Good enough. Now let's go eat." He smiles.
I follow him down to the kitchen and we take our seats with everyone else. I fold my feet crisscross under me to help my discomfort. We all eat together, talking and laughing. It's nice to have the family together even though it won't last.
"How do you guys feel about having a game day?" My dad asks, after we finish doing the dishes, "I've missed family game nights."
I've just missed being a family.
"I'm down." Joe says.
"I don't have to go into the studio until later, so that's good with me." Nick replies
"Okay." I add.
"How about we play Life?" Nobody objects to my dad's suggestion, so I leave to retrieve the game. We set it up and all decide on our starting positions. I chose to start college because that's the only way to start the game. A few turns in, I hear my phone beep, notifying me that I got a text. I glance at the device in my lap, and before I read it, my dad snatched my phone.
"Who's texting you?" He asks. He's so nosy and overprotective, "who's Hunter?"
"A friend I met," I reply, rolling my eyes, "I'm allowed to have friends right?"
"Yes, but the attitude isn't appreciated." He replies and I can practically hear him raise his eyebrow.
"Sorry, can I have my phone back please?"
"Yes," He sighs, "You better be telling the truth when you say he's just a friend."
"We just met dad." Honestly, I'm surprised how calm he is about the situation, but I don't have a problem with it.
Playing games together reminded me of what it feels like to be a family.
Too bad that had to be short-lived.
"I'll be back before you know it," My dad says, bending down to kiss my head. It's currently 9pm and dad and Erica are saying their final goodbyes to us.
"See ya later, dad." I reply, trying to keep myself from crying. They wave to us as they get in the car and leave.
"I'll be in my room if you need me." I mumble, walking away.
"Li, are you okay?" Joe asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I reply, shortly.
"Okay, you can tell me if you're not." He says, concern in his voice.
"I just want to be alone Joe." I sigh before continuing up the stairs.
I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling. I don't know how to process everything that happened. I hear my phone ding.
Hunter: how was your time with your dad?
Me: good. Apparently, I'm staying here for the school year.
Hunter: what school?
Me: Los Angeles Prep
Hunter: seriously? That's where I go.
Me: that makes me feel better :)
Hunter: I could drive you...
Me: I'm not sure how I'll convince my brothers to let me ride with you, but I'll try
Hunter: good

To be continued....

This was super short because I wanted to give y'all an update. I've been so busy with school I haven't been writing. Updates will be slow but I haven't given up!! Also, please feel free to comment suggestions for what should happen in the story and I'll try to incorporate them. Thanks for your patience! xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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