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Gonna put a trigger warning on this whole story, just in case. I know it's a little cliche but it's been sitting in my drafts forever so why not. If you want me to update more, comment and let me know.

Olivia POV
"Luca, get off of me. Go bother Lucy," I whined, trying to push my clingy four year old brother off of me without hurting him. I know I may seem incredibly mean but I can not deal with clingy people, even if it's my little brother. He always tries to climb on everything and everyone and it's the most annoying thing in the entire world.

"Where's mommy?" He questioned as I tried to flip through the channels to find something appropriate for him to watch. Lucy always yells at me for having the ID channel on when he's around me but he's literally always around me, so when am I ever gonna get to watch my shows?

Sitting on her new boyfriend's lap, I cynically thought. But of course I couldn't say that to my little brother. Lucy, my mom, and my dad would all kill me.

"She's out right now. She'll be back later. Why don't you go ask Lucy for a snack before you go to bed?" I suggested, ruffling his curly hair that was just like my dad's as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Like a milkshake?"

"No, not like a milkshake. Like a single cookie or a cracker or something. I don't know. Just go ask her," I said, setting him down on the ground and watching him run into the kitchen to bother our nanny/housekeeper, Lucy. She's been with us since Jacob was born because that's when my mom decided to go back to her career. That's also when my parents got divorced.

I changed the channel back to ID and sighed as I relaxed on the cushiony couch. It was Sunday night and I was lounging in the living room watching the ID channel. My mom got me addicted to it but her new boyfriend doesn't like it so she barely watches it anymore. I was eating out of a bag of hot Cheetos while dozing in and out of sleep when the front door opened. My mom must be home early for the first time in a while.

"Livy." That definitely wasn't my mom. I looked up and saw my dad standing there with an annoyed expression on his face. Even though they broke up, my dad still has a key to our house just in case something happened to me or Luca. My mom said he's supposed to use it for emergencies only, but he basically uses it all of the time. It's not like she's ever here to monitor how often he uses the key anyway.

"Yeah?" I said, focusing back on the TV.

"Where's your mother? And why aren't you in bed? You have school tomorrow, in case you've forgotten," dad said, snatching the remote out of my hand and turning the TV off. 

"She's not here," I replied. It was rare that my dad came over to speak to my mom. They don't really talk to each other. If they do need to talk to each other, they communicate through me. It's annoying but when they do talk all they do is argue, so I'm good with playing the messenger for now.

"What do you mean she's not here? You're just here alone? You're only eleven years old! And where is Luca? Are you really babysitting a four year old?" Dad exclaimed. His accent was getting stronger so I knew he was mad, but it's not my fault my mom got a new boyfriend and decided to ditch us on the weekends.

"We're not alone, Lucy's here. I don't see what the big deal is. I got food, I took a shower this morning, and I finished all of my homework," I responded, but dad just got even more upset.

"Where is she at?"

I pulled my phone out of my hoodie and opened the twitter app. I went to one of the update accounts that always keeps tabs on my mom and scrolled down their profile before answering my dad.

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