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Demi POV
Even though it was three am in New York, it was midnight in LA, so I used that as Wilmer's excuse for calling me at this ungodly hour. My phone was on vibrate so it didn't wake Luke up. I had to creep out of bed and lock myself in the bathroom just to answer the phone. The last thing I needed was to interrupt Luke's sleeping.

"Oh so now you can answer the phone?" I deserved that. I know I deserved that. I feel like a horrible mother but it's hard to explain to my ex husband and my eleven year old why I had to ditch them to come to New York with my boyfriend.

"Wilmer, please. It's three am and I know what I did was wrong but-"

"There are no buts Demi. Not this time. You crossed the line today and you broke Livy's heart. She forgot her dance on stage and the only person she wanted was you. We watched the fight tonight and guess who she saw in MSG sitting next to her boyfriend? How dare you?" I flinched at how angry Wilmer was but I understood where he was coming from. He just didn't understand why I couldn't go.

"Wilmer, please, I just-"

"I'm so over this Demi. You're a terrific mother, or at least you used to be. Now that you have this man in your life it's like you don't even care about your kids anymore." I felt myself begin to cry as Wilmer scolded me. I love my kids to death and I probably wouldn't still be alive if it weren't for them. But there's just other things going on right now that I can't explain to Wilmer or Livy, despite how much I want to.

"Luke, why did we have to fly out to New York right now? We could've just flown in after Livy's competition," I questioned as we sat on my private jet. I was in the middle of sending Livy an apology text but I just didn't know what to say. How could I justify missing her first solo of the competition season? I mean, she gets solos all of the time but this is her first one and I never miss her dance competitions unless I'm out of the country. Even then, Wilmer or Marissa usually FaceTime me when she's performing.

"I told you we're going to the fight tonight."

"Yeah...tonight. It's nine in the morning. I just don't understand why-"

"Would you shut the fuck up with your whining? You shouldn't have anything to complain about. Your life is great. Everything is fine for you. I'm fucking injured and I can't even fight anymore. Is it that bad that I want my girlfriend to go watch a fight with me?" Luke exclaimed, causing me to shrink down in my seat.

A few weeks ago, Luke had torn his MCL while training for one of his big fights. It put him out for the rest of the season, and he hasn't even brought it up until now. I guess it makes sense why he's so frustrated and angry all of the time, but that doesn't mean that he has to take it out on me and threaten me if I don't go to events with him. I'm his girlfriend. Of course I want to support him but my kids come first.

We made it to the hotel and immediately started to get ready. By the time we made it to New York it was already three o clock there. Luke left the room to get some ice while I laid out my outfit. I was just gonna wear a nice pair of pants and a fancy shirt. I really didn't feel like dressing up. All I wanted to do was be with my daughter.

I rummaged through my purse to turn my phone on and saw all of the missed calls from Livy. I debated if I should call her or not because I wasn't sure what time she was performing, but I called her anyways and she picked up on the second ring.

"Mom! Where are you?" Her voice was panicked because she was obviously nervous. She was probably about to go on stage.

"Sweetie, I'm so sorry. But something came up and I had to fly to New York immediately. I'm so sorry I'm not gonna be there but when I get back I promise we'll all go to Disneyworld, okay?" I tried to console her but it wasn't working. She started to sniffle in my ear and I knew she was on the verge of tears.

"But you promised you'd be here. What if-"

"I know and I'm sorry. I really am. I'll make it up to you Livy. I know you're gonna go out there and be amazing. I love you so much. I'm so sorry," I apologized again, because it was all that I could really do.

"Whatever." And then she hung up the phone on me. I sighed and plopped down on the bed, looking over at my outfit and wishing that I was with my family instead. I did not want to be here. I barely liked UFC if I'm being honest. The fights are just too long and they always put the cameras on me. Wilmer usually watches these fights so what if he sees me? How am I supposed to explain this to him?

"Is that what you're wearing?" Luke asked as he entered the room and put the ice in the bathroom.

"Yeah, it's a bit-"

"You should wear a dress. The cameras are gonna be on us tonight and there's probably gonna be paparazzi everywhere," he said as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want to wear a dress. This is what I brought to wear. If you don't like it, I just won't go," I said, about to go into the bathroom to start on my hair but he snatched my wrist and tugged me back into him. It felt like he had ripped my arm out of its socket and I had to bite down on my lip so that I wouldn't cry.

"That wasn't a suggestion. I already ordered an outfit for you and it's on it's way here. That's what you'll be wearing, do you understand me?" His grasp on my wrist tightened, almost causing me to lose my breath as I slowly nodded my head.

"Good. Make sure you look your best tonight. It'll look good for my image," he said as he let me go. I shot him one final look before storming into the bathroom and locking the door behind me. My wrist felt broken, or at least twisted, but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. I wrapped some ice in a towel and placed it on my bruising wrist. What did I get myself into?

"I want primary custody of the kids. If you're not gonna be able to properly take care of them, I will. I don't want to have to go to court. We can work this out with our lawyers," Wilmer snapped me out of my thoughts. Primary custody? Was he serious?

"I can take care of our kids, Wilmer."

"I know you can. But it's clear you don't care about them anymore, Demi. Just let them live with me during the week and you can have them during the weekend, or whenever your schedule permits. I'm not about to argue about this. Either agree to it or I will take you to court," Wilmer said as I loudly scoffed and threw my hands into the air.

"Then I'll see you in court."

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