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Demi POV
*two months later*

Since Luke telling me that he doesn't want anything to do with me and Wilmer taking primary custody of my kids, Luke hasn't been back to bother me and I've seen Livy and Luca every other weekend. I wanted it to be every weekend but Wilmer doesn't believe that Luke is actually out of my life, so if I want to see the kids I have to go to his house. They can't come to mine. I can't take them out anywhere unless Wilmer is with us, and they definitely can't spend the night. Just because I understand where Wilmer is coming from doesn't mean that I don't think he's an asshole for all of this. Luke hasn't tried to contact me since that day and he hasn't been over here. I have a security system installed and I even moved and changed my number. I just wish Wilmer would understand that I wasn't purposely trying to put my children in danger. I was trying to protect them.

Wilmer doesn't know I'm pregnant, even though I'm five months. But my belly isn't as big as it was when I was pregnant with Livy or Luca. Plus, I've been wearing baggy shirts so no one has really noticed, not even the paparazzi and they notice everything.

I was at my house cleaning up a little bit because there really wasn't much for me to do. I didn't have anything career related to work on and my next doctor's appointment wasn't for another week. I didn't necessarily feel like leaving my house and Wilmer makes me stick to the schedule he has worked out for the kids. Checking the time, I realized that Livy would be on her way to dance right now. Speaking of Livy, her birthday is coming up and I still haven't asked Wilmer what he has planned for it.

My doorbell rang but I wasn't expecting any company. I grabbed my phone, dialed 911 but didn't press "call," then tucked it into my waistband, just in case it was someone that I definitely didn't want to see. I looked out of the peephole and saw my little sister there, thank God.

"Hey Maddie...Livy? What are you doing here?" As soon as I opened the door Livy stepped from behind Maddie and I had to do a double take.

"Great to see you too, mom," Livy said as she entered the house. It's not that I don't want to see her but if Wilmer found out she came over here then he would never let me see the kids again.

"You have an hour, Livy!" Maddie said before she left.

"You're supposed to be at dance. Does your father know you're here?" I asked as I followed her into the kitchen after locking the door.

"No he doesn't, but I'm tired of living with dad. I told you that I didn't want to live with him but you didn't listen. I don't want to live with him anymore, mom. Why can't I stay with you?" Livy questioned as I sighed and stood across from her.

"Your father just thinks this is best because of everything that happened with Luke. And you know, maybe he's right. Maybe I wasn't really protecting you guys and I was just putting you into more danger," I explained as I opened the refrigerator to get her something to drink. When I turned back around her mouth had dropped open and she was staring at my stomach. The one day I have company I decide to wear something tight fitting.

"You're pregnant? Is that why we can't live with you? You gave us up so that you could focus on your new baby?" She accused as tears gathered in the bottom of her eyes.

"Livy, I didn't give you up and-"

"How could you just abandon us and force us to live with dad while you're getting ready for this new baby? How could you mom? I always stood up for you every time dad said that you were a bad mom but you know what, he was right!" Livy ranted, hoping off of the bar stool and making her way back to the front door.


"No, he was so right about you! You're a terrible mother and you don't care about me and Luca. All you care about is Luke and that new dumb baby of yours. I hope you're happy with your brand new family, Demi!" She hissed, yanking the front door open but I pulled her back, only for her to retaliate and shove me to the ground.

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