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Demi POV
When I woke up, the only thing that I could think about was pain. Pain in my head. Pain in my back. Pain in my side. Pain in my chest. I was just in so much pain, and I didn't know what to do. I knew that if I moved it would hurt even more but I was inside of what looked like a hospital room and there was no one else in here with me. I wish I could say that I don't remember how I ended up in the hospital with all of this pain, but I do.

I had dropped Livy off at Wilmer's house after she finished dance. I told him I had ordered dinner and was going to pick it up, but that was a lie. Luke followed me to Wilmer's house and then he followed me back to my house. The only reason why I didn't tell Wilmer or Livy what was going on because Luke threatened me with a gun. He said if I told or went into Wilmer's house then he would shoot them all, then shoot me. I barely made it through the threshold of my front door before he was beating me without any sign of stopping. I wish I had blacked out but I didn't. I was awake through the whole thing, until he slammed my head against the wall. The last thing I saw was a picture of Livy and Luca before I passed out.

I don't know who brought me to the hospital, because it certainly wasn't Luke. I coughed a little bit and tried to sit up but I couldn't. All I could do was look around the room and silently pray that someone would come to check on me soon.

"Ms. Lovato, you're awake! Thank goodness!" A man in a white coat exclaimed as he entered my room with a clipboard in his hand. I didn't recognize him and I could barely read the black print on his coat pocket.

"On a scale of one to ten, could you tell me how much pain you're in?"

"More than ten," I croaked, because my voice was completely gone. I swallowed back my tears and looked down at my fingernails.

"You took quite the beating. We were worried that you had fractured your skull, but it was just a hairline fracture and you will recover. You also have a sprained wrist and we had to put a wire in your jaw because it was dislocated. Other than that, the bruises will heal in time. But the police have been notified and they've been waiting for you to wake up. Do you know who did this to you?"

Hearing about my injuries just made me want to cry even more. A dislocated jaw? A fractured skull? A sprained wrist? I still don't understand what I did to make Luke so mad, to make him want to beat me. I had ran away from him, sure, but even before that I just couldn't understand why he decided that I was going to be his personal punching bag since he couldn't fight anymore.

"No, I don't," I whimpered. "And I don't want to talk to the police. I just want to see my family and go home. Can I please just go home?"

"Ms. Lovato, you were beaten and raped. And you're pregnant. I really think that-"


"I said you're pregnant. Did you not know?"

"No," I dry sobbed, because I really had no idea that I was pregnant. I hadn't been experiencing any symptoms and I also haven't been gaining any weight. That means that this baby was definitely Luke's. That means that he would be connected to me forever and this would never end. I would always be in danger. My children would always be in danger. Wilmer would always be in danger.

"Do you want me to bring the police in?"

"No, I don't want to file charges. Please, can I just go home?" I pleaded again with tears streaming down my cheeks. If I filed charges then Luke would just come after me again. And what if he went too far this time? Not only would he kill me, but the baby growing inside of me as well. Or what if he only killed me and the baby survived? Then that baby would be stuck with an abusive asshole as a father and no one to protect it.

Home AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora