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Demi POV
As soon as I made it back to California, I went to Wilmer's house. Luke wasn't happy but I needed to see my kids so I didn't really care about his opinion. It was early Monday morning so the kids were still sleeping and I tried to be as quiet as possible. I still can't believe Wilmer threatened me with primary custody. I know I haven't been the best mom lately, but my children are my everything and I refuse to have them taken away from me. I just don't know how to prove to Wilmer that I still care about my kids while still making Luke happy so that he can stop taking his frustrations out on me.

Whatever. I didn't even want to think about it right now. Instead, I picked Luca up out of his bed, patting his back when he started to get a little restless, then walked into Livy's room. I laid down in her bed with Luca in my arms and as soon as Livy felt me lay down, she curled into my side and I wrapped my free arm around her.

"Mom?" She mumbled, opening her eyes and smiling as she saw me there.

"Yeah it's me. Get some sleep. You don't have to go to school in the morning, okay? I love you so much Livy. I'm so sorry," I apologized again, shifting my body a little bit so that I could kiss her forehead, and brush her stray hairs out of her face.

"Are you okay? What happened to your wrist?" Livy seemed to be fully awake now as she saw the bandage wrapped around my wrist. I still hadn't gone to get it checked out and I wasn't planning to either. I was just gonna grab an Ace bandage from the store and hope that everything would be okay.

"I'm good, Livy. I'm just so sorry for missing your competition. And I know I haven't been around much but you and Luca are my everything. I wouldn't even be here today if it weren't for you guys. I love you both so much and I promise to be around more, okay?" I promised as Livy nodded then closed her eyes again. I released a sigh of relief before trying to get some sleep. But I couldn't. It was just hard for me to sleep now, but I wasn't sure why.

Olivia POV
When I woke up again, my mom was still in bed squished in between me and Luca. They were both asleep but I couldn't sleep anymore. I glanced down at my mom's bandaged wrist and wondered how she possibly could've hurt herself. My mom was clumsy but she wasn't that clumsy.

I decided to get out of bed and go downstairs to get something to eat. Unsurprisingly, my dad was already downstairs talking on the phone while nursing a cup of coffee. CNN was playing on the TV in the kitchen as I decided to make some French toast sticks because they were Luca's favorite. Since we weren't going to school today, hopefully that meant we got to spend the day with my mom since dad had to work.

"Your mom didn't wake you up for school?" Dad asked as I stuck the tray of French toast sticks in the toaster oven. Obviously not.

"No, she's still sleeping. Did she tell you what happened to her wrist?" I asked as dad shook his head. How oblivious was he? I understand that my parents aren't together anymore but it kind of irritates me that my dad doesn't even seem to care about my mom anymore.

"Listen, Livy...I'm gonna file a petition with my lawyer for you and your brother to live with me instead of your mother," dad said, completely catching me off guard.


"What do you mean what? Do you really think what she's been doing to you guys over the past few months is okay?"

"Well, no, but that doesn't mean I don't want to live with her anymore. And why do you get to make that decision? What if I want to stay with mom?"

"You're not making any sense. You were hysterical this entire weekend because she ditched you to go to New York with her boyfriend. She leaves you and Luca every weekend. Why would you still want to live with her?"

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