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Demi POV
I was so thankful when we boarded the jet on Friday morning and I watched the door close, making the sight of Luke disappear. I was so thankful that I was going to be able to escape him for three weeks. We spent the night together last night and he made sure that he was the only person that I would be thinking about during the vacation. He didn't blacken my eye again. He just made the already tender bruises on my body ten times worse. I can barely move and I can forget about swimming unless I wear a full body suit, which would be extremely suspicious. I had time to cry about it before we left this morning though. No matter how hard he tries, I'm not gonna let him ruin my vacation. I'm not gonna let him break me.

Luca laid on Wilmer while Livy sat next to me. Wilmer was in the front watching TV while me and Livy were in the back. Livy's head was on my chest and I was combing my fingers through her scalp because I knew she was still tired. I wish I could sleep. It wouldn't happen though.

"Mom?" She said, looking up at me.

"Yeah sweetie?"

"Did dad tell you that he was going to try to get us to live with him?" She questioned.

I cursed Wilmer for even bringing that up to her. The thing is, Livy is only eleven. She's eleven. She's still a child in my eyes and the last thing I want to do is rob her of her childhood. She already had to go through Wilmer and I getting divorced, she doesn't need to go through a custody battle as well. I don't want my daughter worrying about adult issues. I want her to worry about being a child and being innocent.

"Livy, don't worry about it okay? I just...I don't want you to worry about that stuff. It's supposed to be between me and your father," I responded as Livy rolled her eyes a little bit. I can admit that she gets her attitude from me. She looks like a perfect mix of Wilmer and I but her attitude is all me. We were gonna go through hell during her teenage years.

"But it's not between you and dad because it has to do with me and Luca. Why does dad want us to live with him? Why can't we stay with you?" Livy questioned as I sighed and mentally slapped Wilmer. He always does this.

"Because your dad thinks that right now it would be best if you stayed with him. And you know, now that he's taking it to court it's not up to me to decide who you guys live with. It's up to the judge now," I explained as carefully as I could.

"Is it because of Luke?"

"Why would you say that?" I tried to remain calm when she asked me about him. I prayed she didn't suspect anything because I don't want her to worry about me.

"You and dad think I'm stupid," Livy mumbled as she looked away from me.

"Livy, I don't think you're stupid. I think you're an eleven year old child who gets too involved in her parents' business," I replied as Livy scoffed.

"Well maybe if Luke wasn't giving you black eyes and maybe if dad actually cared about you I wouldn't be involved in your business! You guys think I don't notice everything that's going on but I do! So sorry for worrying about two of the most important people in my life!" Livy exclaimed, but not loud enough for Wilmer to hear her. Wilmer didn't even turn around until she slammed the door of the small bedroom shut. Wilmer gave me a questioning look but I shook my head and went back to talk to her.

I can't believe she figured out that I didn't actually have an allergic reaction. Actually, I can, because that was a pretty stupid excuse. It's healed but around my eye and my nose is still a little yellow. Nothing some foundation can't cover.

But I just don't understand how she connected the dots that it was Luke who gave me the black eye. I mean, we're never around the kids together so it's not like she sees how we act together. And what did she mean by "if dad actually cared about you?" There was just so much stuff she said and I just can't believe my little eleven year old knows about all of this drama going on in our lives. I've always tried as hard as I could to keep my kids out of my drama, but I had clearly failed.

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