Chapter Two

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Sirius Black grinned as he walked through Diagon Ally towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. The crowd seemed to part like the Red Sea as the raven-haired teenager swaggered along the cobbled path.

As he approached the Parlour, he saw his best friend James Potter standing outside, looking towards the Leaky Cauldron.

The bespectacled boy was wearing an Appleby Arrows t-shirt and simple muggle jeans. His thin face had a rather whimsical expression to it when he turned back and his hazel eyes lit up when he saw Sirius approaching.

"Hey Prongs." Sirius said, giving James a pat on the back as he reached him. "Where's Peter?"

"Oh, he can't make it." James told him as the two of them started walking towards the pub they had arranged to meet Remus in.

"Look, do you reckon I have time for a quick fag before we meet Moony?" Sirius asked his friend.

"No you don't! We're already-" he looked at his watch "-fifty five minutes late. I got hold up in Quality Quidditch Supplies." James told Sirius as they passed two witches who were staring at Sirius hopefully, and burst into fits of giggles when he winked at them. "What took you so long?"

Sirius smirked upon answering.

"I was in one of those little alleyways just off Knockturn Ally with Bertha Jorkins." He said. James snorted.

"You shagged Bertha Jorkins in a shabby little alleyway? Real classy Padfoot!" James sniggered.

"I didn't shag her!" Sirius said defensively. "The ally was too small. I got a blowjob though." He added with a grin.

"I'm not bothered whether it was sex with someone down an alleyway or not, it's the fact that it was Bertha fucking Jorkins!" James exclaimed with a slightly disgusted look on his face.

"Oh shut up, she's not that bad. There's just... a little more of her to love then other girls."

James shuddered.

"I saw Evans just before you turned up with that Emmeline girl." James said with a dreamy expression. "She didn't scoff when I smiled, she almost smiled back!" Sirius laughed.

"Baby steps mate." Sirius said, giving his friend another pat on the back.

"Do you think Moony will have been alright on his own?" James asked as the two of them approached the large white building. It had a trellis of flowers on either side of the door that reached up to the attic window, and the two boys could make out the gleaming, metal letters saying 'The Dozing Dragon' above the entrance.

"What? Oh yeah, he'll have had his nose in a book the whole time. Bet you five galleons." Sirius said.

"You're on." James said, pulling the door open. Upon stepping into the rather crowded pub, the two boys started scanning the room for a mop of sandy hair bent over a book.

"Oh my god! Padfoot, look over there!"

Sirius looked over to the bar that James was pointing at and felt his jaw drop. There, sitting at the bar, was a tall, lanky teenage boy with sandy blonde hair who looked very much like Remus Lupin, but he was doing something that James and Sirius rarely saw him doing.

Talking to a girl! And not just any girl. A fucking hot girl!

She had long, brown, curly hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. Sirius couldn't tell for sure because she was leaning on the bar, propped up on her elbows displaying a delicious cleavage towards Remus, but she looked like she was tall and slender.

Sirius could make out her curves and felt his pants tighten slightly. The girl laughed and straightened up, before turning around and bending down to collect two bottles, giving Sirius, James, and Remus in particular, a fantastic view of her ass.

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