Chapter Three

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Sirius slumped into one of the simple, plastic chairs outside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and was grateful for the shade that the colourful table umbrellas provided.

It was scorching hot, by far the hottest day of the summer so far. Sirius had begun to wonder why in the name of Merlin he had ventured from the comforts of his room.

Oh yeah, boredom.

He pushed his sunglasses back up his nose. They had started sliding down due to the trickle of sweat from his hairline. The heat really was unbearable!

'Fuck this, I'll just sleep for the rest of the day.'

Just as Sirius was about to haul himself from the chair, something caught his eye.

Remus was ambling through the ally, laughing and smiling with none other than a certain ravishing brunette.

Sirius watched Remus and Ren stroll straight past him without so much as noticing him. It had taken all of Sirius' willpower not to get up and wonder over to them.

In all honesty, Sirius was shocked by Remus. To see him to hold a conversation with a girl for more then five minutes was exceedingly uncommon, let alone willingly meeting up with one, without the presence of one of his friends.

He watched as Ren grabbed Remus' arm and dragged him over to a peddler that was selling roasted chestnuts. Sirius couldn't help his gaze wonder over Ren as she ordered two small bags of chestnuts.

He admired her long, lissome legs. Mrs Potter would have referred to them as dancers legs.

They were complimented and exaggerated by the shorts she was wearing. They hugged her hips and fitted her arse like a glove.

Sirius watched as she turned to Remus and handed him one of the paper bags before taking a plaid shirt from him, which Sirius assumed she had been wearing earlier, but had shed due to the unforgiving heat.

The two of them had started walking up the street and were heading towards The Leaky Cauldron. Without a second thought, Sirius rose from his chair and started following them.

He thought that if they were heading to the pub so they could have a drink, he could maybe gatecrash the couple. If not, he could simply head up to his room and sleep the day away.

He picked up the pace when he saw the brick wall reappearing behind Remus' tall figure.

When Sirius reached the wall, he took out his wand and tapped the required brick three times. He scurried through the courtyard and entered the pub, just in time to see Remus and Ren disappear through the door leading to London.

Sirius let out a small sigh. He wasn't going to be able to prevent the two of them spending the day together.

He could only imagine what he would be doing with Ren if he was in Remus' place, and it involved holding her against a wall in some alleyway with her long legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him in closer and moaning in his ear as he sucked on the pink flesh of her neck.

Looking around the pub, Sirius noticed the landlady ogling at him. When she caught his eye, she gave him a wink. Sirius tried not to shudder as he headed up the creaky stairs.

Maybe it was time to James up on his offer.

Ren and Remus walked side by side through the crowded streets of London. Although she hated to admit it to herself, Ren couldn't deny that Remus did look rather handsome.

He wore simple medium wash jeans teamed with a plain white t-shirt, however what Ren liked most about the outfit were the slovenly, run down Converse on his feet.

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