Chapter Four

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"Bollocks!" Sirius exclaimed to himself as he dropped the bulky trunk and let it topple down the remaining steps.

Why the fuck had he put wand in that bloody thing? He could have just levitated it down the stairs instead of hauling it down two flights of stairs, which resulted in him dropping the heavy trunk on his right foot.

Sirius sighed and bounded after his trunk. He found it lying at the stairs and thankfully, it had remained closed.

He heaved it upright; thanking the God's that it hadn't burst open. It had been quite the struggled getting it to close around his clothes and schoolbooks.

Not to mention his possessions that would normally remain at home, but seeing as he wasn't welcome there Sirius wasn't going to leave them behind only for them to be destroyed.

He dragged the trunk over to the bar and took a seat on a barstool, propping the case against the bar next to him.

Upon seeing him arrive the landlady, Elsa, moved swiftly over to him. Sirius braced himself.

"Leaving so soon Sirius?" She asked, huskily.

Sirius looked her over. If she had be about twenty years younger she wouldn't have been bad looking. She had thin blonde hair which had a strange grey tint to it, pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her face was lined which made her look older then her actual age of forty.

The thought of that night three weeks ago still made Sirius shudder slightly. He was just desperate for a place to stay!

Still she was a woman, and all women must be charmed by Sirius Black... No matter how old they are.

"I'm afraid so Elsa. I feel bad that your delightful room isn't earning you any money." Sirius said with a slight smirk. Elsa just chuckled, displaying her pointy teeth in the process.

"Oh Sirius, you're welcome in that room for as long as you want." She said, reaching out a bony hand with long red fingernails, and rubbing his arm.

Sirius held back a quiver and managed to smile back.

"No, no it's fine really. I'll be staying at my mates." When he had said this, Elsa had obviously realised that another night with Sirius was off the cards seeing as he was no longer desperate for accommodation.

Just as Elsa was about to open her mouth to speak once more, there was a tinkle from the bell that hung above the door leading into London.

Elsa turned to see who was entering her tavern, retracting her hand in the process.

Sirius wheeled around to find out who his saviour was, and a smirk played on his lips when he realised who it was.

Ren (or as Sirius liked to refer to her; Little Miss Cock-Tease) was sauntering through the Leaky Cauldron carrying a large shopping bag in one hand, and the plaid shirt she had been wearing earlier in the other.

She had taken her curls out of the plait and they now fell gracefully down her back, while the sunglasses propped on her head kept it from falling into her face.

'How the fuck did Moony manage to get this girl alone?' Sirius wondered to himself.

She passed the bar, not even noticing Sirius, and headed towards the door leading to Diagon Ally. Before you could say Quidditch, Sirius had risen from his seat hastily.

"Elsa, can you watch my trunk please? I'll be back in a bit." The witch nodded, drew her wand from her dress pocket and levitated it over the bar. "And if I don't see him, can you tell Tom I'll see him around?" Elsa nodded once more.

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