Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: still own nothing of value.

The sound of James' voice drew Sirius out of his sleep with a jolt. He was lying on his stomach, quilt pulled way over his head, having never felt so comfortable. Sirius timidly popped his head out from beneath the cover and the sheer brightness of the room was enough to make him burrow back down under it with a loud groan.

"Oh no you don't!" Sirius heard James say, and suddenly the warm cover was ripped from his body, leaving him defenceless against the cold. Sirius let out a moan and drew his legs to his chest in an attempt to preserve heat.

"Oh my God, why would you even do that?" He grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Because, my friend," James began, dropping the cover on the floor. "You need to wake up."

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it? I'm up." Sirius said, sitting up.

"Yeah, but this wasn't the first attempt to get you up. Both Remus and Peter failed." James said as he buttoned up his crisp white shirt. Sirius shrugged his shoulders in response and looked across the room. Remus was fully dressed and was going through what books he may or may not need, even though they didn't even have their schedules, and Peter was pulling on his socks. James was now tying his tie around his neck in a scruffy knot. "Come on, we'll wait." He said, to which Sirius shook his head.

"Don't bother." He said, pulling himself out of bed. "You go down and get breakfast. I'll manage on my own."

"You sure?" James asked.

"Yeah, I'm fairly sure the Great Hall won't have gone anywhere since last night." Sirius said. James grinned at him, and five minutes later he had left the room along with Peter and Remus. Sirius rubbed his eyes once more. He normally wasn't this bad in the mornings, but last night something had kept him awake. Or someone to be more precise. He had kissed Ren on the cheek, and he didn't even know why. Sirius would only kiss girls on the cheek if he had slept with them and was trying to get them to lose interest in him. And even then it would be a quick, sordid affair. But last night he had kissed with no intention of trying to shake her off. He had even lingered slightly. If he had been trying to avoid her, Sirius certainly wouldn't have poured his heart out to her earlier that evening. Last night Ren had danced through his brain, preventing him from falling asleep. However what concerned Sirius was that these thoughts weren't about seducing her, like the ones he had been having during the summer. Sure he still wanted to bed her more than anything, but last night he had been concerning himself over what had happened to her that would make her cry in front of him. Obviously a boy was involved, but he wanted to know the whole story. Despite this, he had ended up masturbating.

Even though Sirius hadn't been cooking up a little fantasy, these thoughts about Ren had managed to arouse him in an entirely different sense. It was not her looks that had brought on this urge, but Ren herself. It was safe to say, it was a completely different type of wank to any other Sirius had ever experienced. He had simply been replaying her lying next to him, telling him the story of the Seven Sisters in his head, and he had found himself becoming more and more aroused. So he had swiftly pulled his bed drapes shut and cast a silencing charm over his bed (which was unusually considerate of Sirius), and began to relieve himself. He had replayed her leaning against the Astronomy Tower wall, her eyes trained on him, and he had pumped faster and faster. But what had brought on his release was the feeling of her wrapping her arms around him in comfort. Although she was tall, her frame still felt delicate as he had put his arms around her and hugged her back. He had inhaled her familiar, vanilla scent. The sweet and creamy, milky warmth of the aroma had soothed Sirius. By now the raven-haired teenager had washed, dressed and was pulling on his shoes.

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