Chapter Six

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Ren found that the days leading up to her performance were a blur of rehearsals, work and owling Remus.

She had practised her song so many times she could have performed it backwards while balancing upside down, and yet Violet was still insisting that inbetween every shift Ren went over it at least five times.

She was beyond tired, and yet whenever she was permitted free time, Ren found that instead of collapsing in bed like she normally would have, she would be owling Remus.

Unlike Vanessa, Ren didn't have mountains of friends, in fact she could probably count all of her friends on one hand. Within a week of moving to England, Vanessa had been patrolling Diagon Ally in search of people of who she could spend her time with talking about how dreamy Stubby Boardman is.

Now while Ren would have rather hexed all of her hair off then spend five minutes conversing with Vanessa's new friends, she had to admit that she was a little jealous of how easily her younger sister could make friends.

Not that she ever would have admitted it.

And seeing as Ollie had even made a couple of friends while he had been in Quality Quidditch Supplies, Ren had prepared herself to be the only Gallagher going into Hogwarts without any friends. That was, however, until she had met Remus.

He had been the first person she had met in England and actually liked. They had spoken everyday since there last meeting, normally about Hogwarts, but on the night before Ren's performance, the subtext of the letters didn't mention Hogwarts once.

"If I'm being honest with you Remus, I'm really scared about tomorrow. Mum said that the tickets were selling like Cauldron Cakes and that it was going to be a full house. I've never sang for more that seven people, and I knew all of them!

It'll be completely different in front of strangers. What if they laugh at me? What if they laugh at that stupid dress? Why in Merlin's name did you let me buy it?! I just really don't want to fuck this up.

Ren x"

"Trust me Ren, you have nothing to worry about. Your Mum obviously wants the night to be a success so why would she have put you as the headline act is you weren't anything short of amazing?

And Ren you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the dress. You looked beautiful.

Remus x"

"Yes but in all honesty, it's not me. I don't understand why I can't just go up there with just my guitar. Why do I have to wear the dress and the makeup?

I don't want people to assume that I'm this glamorous showbiz singer when in reality I'm just a girl who loves playing the guitar and happens to have an okay voice.

Ren x"

"Ren, please just listen to me. I agree that you don't necessarily need to look glamorous but trust me; you look like dynamite in that dress.

And I get that you're scared, I understand that. I'd be concerned if you weren't. But don't worry, I'll be there in the audience. If you need help at any point just look for me and it will all be fine.

Remus x"

Ren placed the letter from Remus on her desk and sighed. He was right of course. It was only natural to be nervous. Completely normal. And besides, she knew if nerves did get the better of her all she would have to do was find Remus' eyes and he would set her on the right track.

It had become clear to Ren that Remus had a certain way with words she could never hope to muster. He knew how to calm her down and make her believe that it would all be okay.

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