Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: Still own nothing

The loud crack announced Ren's arrival. She paused after regaining her balance, waiting to see if anyone came to investigate the noise. Thankfully, no one did.

Ren started walking down the ally, approaching the entrance that would lead her to Maple Drive. Upon emerging into the sunlight, Ren saw that her suspicions had been correct. The green had large groups of people littered all over it.

As she drew nearer to Remus' house, a group of boys noticed her and started wolf-whistling at her.

Ren couldn't help but roll her eyes. 'Just like the boys at Durmstrang.' She thought.

When she reached the steps of number sixteen, Ren pulled off her sunglasses and propped them on her head. As she was doing this a thought hit her.

What if one of Remus' parents answers the door? What would they think to a strange girl turning up on their doorstep requesting to see their son? Oh well, it was too late to turn back now. She ascended the steps and took the large, silver knocker in her hand and banged it against the door three times.

As she waited, Ren began to twirl a strand of hair between her thumb and index finger.

Suddenly the door opened and a woman appeared at the door.

Her hair was light brown and had been curled loosely. She had a small, pointy nose and warm, dark blue eyes. She wore a long, deep purple top that hung loosely around her waist, dark jeans and simple sandals.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked politely, smiling at Ren. Ren suddenly remembered where she was.

"Oh yes, hi-" She began, standing up a little straighter. "-I was wondering if Remus was in? I'm his friend, Ren."

"Ohhh, you're Ren. It was you he went to see sing last night." The woman said cheerily. Ren smiled and nodded. "Remus said you were amazing." The woman added. Ren raised an eyebrow.

"Did he now?" She asked the woman, who nodded.

"Where are my manners? I'm Anne, Remus' mum." She said, sticking out a hand which Ren took. "And in answer to your first question, yes he is. But he's still in bed." Anne said, rolling her eyes.

"Still in bed? On a day like this?" Ren asked in mock surprise. Anne laughed.

"Unbelievable isn't it?"

"Quite. Well, I guess I'll come back later then." Ren said.

"Well, I was about to get him up. I'm going to meet my friend for a coffee and I know if I don't get him up now he'll still be in bed when I get back." Anne told her.

"Oh, okay, well I'll just wait here shall I?" Ren asked.

"No, no you must come in. We can't have you burning alive outside, can we?" Anne said, kindly. "In fact, would you like to get him up? I'm running late as it is." Ren looked at the woman in surprise.

"Oh... sure." She said, taking a step inside the house. Ren was grateful for the cool, refreshing air that washed over her.

"Brilliant. Straight upstairs, last door on the left." Anne told her.

Ren felt no need to tell the woman that she knew that already.

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you soon, have a nice day." Ren said as Anne picked up her handbag and headed out the door.

"You too dear, it was lovely meeting you." She said before pulling the door closed behind her.

Ren stood there in silence for a moment before she climbing the stairs and heading towards Remus' room. She paused outside the door.

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