The Thankful Kiss

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Yay chapter 4! I love writing stories ^_^

EunHae: don't you get tired after opening all this gifts?

I LOVE MY GIFTS! Hehe! I love Santa's gift I've been trying to look for that but I couldn't thanks Santa! ^_^

KyuMin: she's really active on Christmas huh?

EunHae KyuMin: start the story!



EunHyuk followed DongHae's sound. The other 2 followed. The person who took DongHae went in a glass classroom and shut the door. EunHyuk kept banging the door but the glass is too thick. EunHyuk saw the person who stole DongHae and it's a girl. EunHyuk became more frustrated. The other 2 came. They saw the girl throwing cold water at her. DongHae was shivering at the corner. The girl then took out a bucket full of HOT water.

"DONGHAE!" SungMin shouted worriedly.

"STOP IT!!!!!" The 3 of them shouted.


The girl stopped and went out the room, leaving it open. As she pass by the 3 students, she apologised to EunHyuk and KyuHyun only. EunHyuk memorised her name and promised himself to get revenge later.

There's no time for that, the 3 rushed in. DongHae was shivering and she had trouble breathing. EunHyuk carried DongHae to the infirmary (at the back).

"No not now, not when I just met you," EunHyuk thought.

In the infirmary, the 3 students were worried. Fortunately, the doctor went out of the room and told them that she'll have a fever but she's not in fatal danger. The 3 visited DongHae, they saw her sleeping. KyuHyun saw SungMin crying tears of joy.

"Looks like bunny is nice after all, she looks sweet and all. Bunny... Such a nice nickname and such a nice name, Lee SungMin," KyuHyun thought.

DongHae woke up and the 3 were surprised. They saw her smiling which made them smile a little. DongHae thanked SungMin.

"Don't thank me. Thank you're monkey," SungMin said.

DongHae looked at EunHyuk who is sitting by her bed.

"Thank you EunHyuk oppa," DongHae thanks as she kissed EunHyuk's cheek.

KyuHyun, SungMin and EunHyuk were shocked.

"Ya... Don't misunderstand! That was just a uhm... A thankful kiss!" DongHae defended.

EunHyuk smiled and laughed a little.

"Fine it's a thankful kiss! So I, Lee HyukJae, received a thankful kiss from fishy," EunHyuk teased.

"Wrong! You, monkey, received a kiss from fishy," DongHae corrected and all of them laughed.

The next thing you know, they're at home already. EunHyuk was taking care of DongHae.

"Oh what am I doing? Me? Showing someone that I'm nice and sweet? This is- sigh... I don't care anymore. I've got to admit, I love you fishy," EunHyuk admitted.

DongHae didn't hear as she was sleeping but, she heard it in her dreams.

"Fishy? Only EunHyuk calls me that! Well, KyuHyun too," DongHae sleep talked.

EunHyuk was surprised and had an idea.

"Do you, perhaps, like either one of KyuHyun and EunHyuk?" EunHyuk asked.

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