Prom Night

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Hey~! So, this is the last chapter ^^ I'll make a good ending...!

EunHyuk: I know how you'll end it!


DongHae: No spoilers!

KyuHyun: You better follow that rule!

SungMin: I never thought my KyuHyunie would follow the rules.

KyuHyun: AiGoo~!!!

Hahaha~! Lol! Anyways let's start!


DongHae and SungMin were in EXO's car. KyuHyun and EunHyuk were in their private car. Both of them were on the way to the private hotel that the school rented for the prom.

"Kyu... I'm nervous," EunHyuk said.

"Hyung! Don't be- I'm also nervous..." KyuHyun replied.

The girls were able to reach the school earlier than the boys. While the 2 girls were waiting for their Prince Charming, Choi SiWon and Kim RyeoWook walked to them.

"We're here to apologise. It had been stupid for us to act like that. We're really sorry..." SiWon bowed.

"Sorry SungMinnie... It was selfish for me to do that..." RyeoWook apologised.

"It's ok... You have your own dates, right?" the 2 girls asked.

"Yup! My date tonight is YeSung, SiWon's is KiBum," RyeoWook said.

"Ah... Good luck!" SungMin said.

The 2 boys went inside while the girls waited for their dates. DongHae looked at her watch. Just then, their dates arrived.

"I missed you!" the 4 of them shouted as the couples hug each other.

"You look very pretty," KyuHyun and EunHyuk complimented.

"You look very handsome..." the girls said.

SungMin hugged KyuHyun tightly. DongHae buried her head on EunHyuk. The 2 couples went inside.

"We would be eating first then we will proceed to dancing," a voice from the speaker said.

SungMin's plate was full of Deokkbokki while DongHae's plate- or may I say bowl, was full of noodles. EunHyuk and KyuHyun were surprised on how they eat.

"You eat a lot for a girl," KyuHyun told SungMin.

SungMin laughed a bit. KyuHyun put his arm around her.

"Hey fish, did you not eat anything yesterday? You're eating so much!" EunHyuk said.

"The food is just yummy," DongHae replied.

EunHyuk also put his arm around DongHae.

"Ya... You do know that we're not together yet!" DongHae whispered.

EunHyuk sighed and removed his hand. DongHae pat his back. In the end, EunHyuk smiled due to DongHae's cuteness.

KyuHyun looked at SungMin who was eating her food like a princess.

"Eat normally," KyuHyun told her.

"This is normal!" SungMin said.

"Really? You eat like a princess!" KyuHyun complimented.

"Stop kidding Kyu..." SungMin replied.

"I'm not kidding! I mean it!" KyuHyun denied which was actually true.

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