Busy preparation

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Aigoo~!!! I STILL want to write BUT! Ideas are flowing out of my head! EXO engulfed my brain again -_-

EunHyuk: So... We're...-

Don't get me wrong! My favourites are mainly EXO AND SUJU!

DongHae: It's good that you don't give up on us

I guess I'm a loyal ELF and EXOTIC XD

SungMin: Guess...?

I dunno! If I say that I AM loyal, I'll sound like I'm boasting.

KyuHyun: evil is good!

*rolls eyes* never mind start the story...


That morning, SungMin woke the heavy sleeper, DongHae, up. She wanted to go out of the house early in the morning so the boys won't see them.

"SUNGMIN! It's freaking 4 in the mor-"

"SHH!!! Don't shout! Get out before they try to look at us," SungMin said.

"Fine fine..." DongHae replied.

They went to shower, dressed up casually and headed to a coffee shop.

"The mall opens at 10... It's only 5...." DongHae said in a lifeless tone.

"Let's go to the arcade then! I heard that it was 24 hour open," SungMin suggested.

They headed to the arcade. Time passed like a second due to their concentration on their games.

Meanwhile, at home, the boys obeyed SungMin's rule and didn't even try to glance at their room.

"What to do... I have no idea what to do..." EunHyuk whined.

"Let's just buy the clothes we'll wear first. . . . . . What's the colour theme again?" KyuHyun asked.

"Colourful...?" EunHyuk answered blandly.

They headed to a certain place which is actually a mall that ONLY EunHyuk and KyuHyun can enter.

It was already 11.30 in the morning and the girls are JUST about to go to the mall. They went to COEX mall.

"I like the blue and red one!" DongHae said excitedly.

"DongHae... Only the colour differs..." SungMin said.

"I know but it looks so nice!"

They continued to walk around until one shop caught their eyes. They went in and there were 20 girls lined up and there was space in the middle where DongHae and SungMin could walk through.

"Good morning DongHae-ssi, SungMin-ssi! Welcome to the boutique. KyuHyun-ssi and EunHyuk-ssi asked us to serve you," the girls said in unison.

DongHae and SungMin bowed to them. They were asked to sit down and the girls were looking different dresses for them.

A lady gave SungMin a pink gown that may cover her feet and a red one that is knee length.

DongHae received a light blue knee length and a red gown that covers her feet.

They both tried it out and it looked nice on them. They were wearing matching clothes. SungMin decided to buy red one while DongHae decided to buy the light blue one.

"Ah, you don't need to pay. EunHyuk-ssi and KyuHyun-ssi already paid it for you," the cashier girl said.

The girls laughed and just proceeded with their payment. Meanwhile, the boys entered the mall and the staff bowed and greeted them.

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