Exchanging Partners

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(Wrote this when I was still on my summer vacation, now I'm back I Singapore, studying -_- )

Hello~! Chapter 6 here! Yay! I'm in Pampanga to celebrate my birthday ^_^ going swimming too! IN A RESORT! HA HA HA HA!!! YES!!!!!

KyuMin: ok, stop it with your evil laughter and..

EunHae: start with the story! ^_^

Alright Aright! Let's go start the story!

Everyone: HANA... DUL.... SETH!!!


"Ya fishy! Be my date," KyuHyun asked.

"Well... Ok, sure?" DongHae accepted.

"That was easy... Is she the one who likes me and not SungMin? Let's see..." KyuHyun thought.

EunHyuk asked SungMin and she accepted easily too. This made the boys confused. The next thing you know they're already preparing for the party! EunHyuk was waiting for SungMin outside her room and KyuHyun was waiting for DongHae in his room. EunHyuk was wearing a white tux while KyuHyun was wearing a black and white tux. On the other hand, DongHae was wearing a light blue knee length dress (isn't it weird to see SungMin and DongHae wearing a dress?! DongHae and SungMin: YES IT IS!). SungMin was wearing a pink knee length dress. As the girls went out, the boys were shocked.

"Even though I like SungMin/DongHae instead of DongHae/SungMin, she looks really pretty...!" KyuHyun and EunHyuk thought.

"Let's go?" KyuHyun asked as he held DongHae's hand.

They went to the party first, followed by EunHyuk and SungMin.


"Wah~! Wah~! It's pretty here~!!!" DongHae exclaimed.

"Yah, pretty as you," KyuHyun complimented.

"Keep it in KyuHyun! Just pretend she's SungMin!" KyuHyun thought.

SungMin and EunHyuk has arrived. DongHae was staring at EunHyuk and KyuHyun was staring at SungMin. Then, a voice from the speaker was heard.

"We will now play a different song, please pick a dance partner which wasn't your date to this party. Thank you"

"In that case, will you dance with me?" EunHyuk asked DongHae while KyuHyun asked SungMin. The girls said yes without hesitation.

The music started to play... It was a very sweet music. DongHae started leaning her head on EunHyuk's shoulder.

Idols: SWEET~!

DongHae and SungMin: yup! It's sweet alright! But don't you think it's kinda weird to use "her"?

Yup it's weird but it's the story!

KyuHyun was surprisingly singing to SungMin. Although his voice wasn't that loud. The lights were focusing on EunHae and KyuMin.

"HyukJae ah~" DongHae called.

EunHyuk was shocked and smiled but he just ignored it,"mmm?"

"You know... You're actually the person I want to partner with in the prom? That's why is rejected the 'EXO' members..." DongHae admitted and immediately covered her mouth. She looked down on the floor. EunHyuk smiled and hugged her as they continue to dance.

"Hey console~..." SungMin called.

"Yeah bunny?" KyuHyun replied.

"I'm still curious... Why do you have a bunny keychain hugging a game console?" SungMin asked without suspecting anything.

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