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Morgana POV

05:45 am. I wake up groggily and get out of bed as a maid comes in "Good morning lady Ravenclaw." She says as she bows "please, don't do that. Call me Morgana." I smile at her and she smiled back. "Okay, Morgana this is your dress for your return to Hogwarts."

"It's amazing

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"It's amazing. Thank you?" I say leaving her to tell me her name. 

"Oh sorry, my lady! My name is Tsunami! I'll stay here when you attend Hogwarts." I smile at her and leave to get dressed.

An hour later we were in the dining room and Lucy had just joined us with her lemon yellow gown flowing behind her. Harry was wearing a suit with a red tie and Draco was the same but with a green tie. 09:45. "Boys! Time to go!" I shout into the living area. And we get into our limo and arrive at Kings Cross at 10:30. I get out holding Draco's hand and pushing my trolley to the barrier between 9 and 10. I run and get onto the platform.

After I delivered my luggage to the person, I found the royal suite and say down on the Ravenclaw couch. I cast a spell on the carriage, that if any dangers come, nothing will harm the students or us. "Wake me when we're halfway there!" I ask Harry and Draco then enter the bedrooms and have a nap. 12:55pm. 

"Morgana wake up!" I hear Draco whisper. I pulled his tie and our lips connected and after five moments later, we finished. "I missed you kissing me, Morgana."

As I walked out into the compartment, I noticed it was a battleground, I smirked and ran into my room and changed into fighting clothes and took out my bow and arrow and shot a target. After 1 hour, we stopped fighting. The simulation disappearing. "That. Was. Fun." I said after breaths. 

"Yeah, it was mama!" I look at Lucy and smile.

 "I'm going to go get changed," me and Lucy said together. Five minutes later, we all came out with our crowns on and our original clothes. "Two more hours until we arrive.....shall we watch a movie?" They all look at me. 

"Which one?" Harry asks 

"How about, The Chronicles of Narnia the lion, the witch and the wardrobe?" Draco asks.

2 hours later, we pulled up at the station and I pulled on my purple cloak and joined the 7th years while Lucy joined the 1st years. Draco and I held hands as we opened the Hogwarts doors for the students. We received some kind 'welcome back's and some insults but we ignored them. Then we saw Hagrid.

"No problems I assume Hagrid?" I ask, I smile at the clueless (some) and the exited 1st years. "Welcome to Hogwarts!" I lead them into the entrance hall and near the doors of the great hall. "Now in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But first, you must be sorted into your houses they are, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and my respective house Ravenclaw!"

15 minutes passed then I reached Lucy's name. "Granger, Lucy Susan" she shuffled forwards and sits down on the stool and after 3 minutes, I hear a "Hufflepuff!" 

"Silence for a moment! Lucy take the throne at the end of the Hufflepuff table please?" She nods and sits in the throne. "She is Queen Lucy the Kind! She will be studying with you all as normal but, she can give detentions and can dismiss teachers not banish, dismiss. Choose wisely Lucy" I whisper the last part. Everyone claps and I continue with the sorting "Eloise Aino!" 

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Lucy jumped up and hugged the girl and I smiled, at least she's not alone.

After the sorting, I took my seat in the Ravenclaw throne and started eating. Everyone in Ravenclaw asked me how I was the Queen of Ravenclaw if I was a Gryffindor so I told them the story and they understood. "Hem hem...Welcome students, I'm so happy to see your smiling faces looking up at me! First of all, I will tell you this, Hermione, Draco, Mione and Potter are NOT royalty they are just deceiving you!" Delores said. I stood up and walked over to her, Harry, Draco and Lucy with me. I turned to everyone

"Listen closely! I am Queen Morgana Usagi Serenity Granger! I am Queen Morgana the Wise and I am always willing to protect you all! This woman" I point at Umbridge "is a fraud! She tells lies! She is jealous! She tried to de-throne me and my fellow Kings and Queen!-" Umbridge intervenes. 

"ENOUGH! Miss Granger return to your seat or I'll make you! The students can determine who they want to rule the school...raise your hand if you would want me to rule or these 7th years..." everyone raised their hand for us and I felt happy so I turned to her "sorry Delores but, you are dismissed until further notice and I will have those blood quills you have for those hideous detentions!" She looked shocked that I knew of her blood quills. "Get back to your meal all of you!" I shouted and the chatter started again.

Yayyy!!! Umbridge is dismissed! But not for long! Bye Bye!
Eternity out!

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