Made it on the team!

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Morgana POV

Walking down to dinner, I saw that the students was bowing all the time and I wanted it to stop but I had to get used to it. "Good morning Morgana!" I turned to see the Gryffindor king and I smiled "Hello Lord Gryffindor" I mock bowed him. He laughs and I laugh too. "Miss Granger, Mr Potter....: I hear a shrill voice from behind me say..Snape. "Sup Sev? How ya doing pal?" I said acting cool. He took 10 points off Ravenclaw but I just added them back on.

I go to the stables and grab my horse, sunset, and climb onto her when I see Draco enter the stables and get his horse, midnight, and ride the other way to me. I get Sunset to move and I go down a slope where I always go with her, it's Rowena Ravenclaw property. "You ok girl?" I ask her and she neighs as an answer. I get her to trot along.

We reach the village and the elves take her away to get her some food and water while the faries come play with me. "Hello Cocoa Hello Flora!" I smile at the two fairies. We play games and the I have to go to get back for my favourite class, Defence....NOT! "I'm sorry but I've got to go! I'll see you at Christmas." They nod and leave Sunset and me.

After I arrive back at the stables, I travel back up to the castle in my purple cape untill I hear a gentle cough behind me. "Need a cough pill love?" I ask Delores "no thank you, dear. Why aren't you wearing robes?" She asks me with that fake smile. "I was just on my horse know what? I'm not taking your bulls*it Delores! Goodbye"

I was avoiding DADA and I was wearing black for lessons so she couldn't see me. I wish I could help Harry though...he got detention for saying moldyshorts's name I hate this woman! I've started apparting because I'm of age and I've apparated to Cair Paraval once to find some cure for the spare blood quill Delores is using.

Quiddich tryouts today! I'm signing up as a seeker. And the days sped along.

Saturday 11th November 2013.

Quiddich today! I bought myself the sniper2013 and it's super fast! I ran to the pitch changing rooms 10 minutes early and changed into my Ravenclaw quiddich robes. "Welcome your highness. What position are you trying for?" The team captain, Flint MaGuire, asked politely. "I'm trying for seeker!"

I made it! And a new record aswell! "That was amazing Morgana!" Flint says to me. I blush and laugh nervously. "Well, I do know my flying. I flew to the ministry and back to my castle only last year to practice!" I stopped blushing and left to the changing rooms to change into my riding gear. I then proceeded to the stables to see Sunset. "Hello girl, shall we go for a ride?" She nods her head and I climb ontoher back.

We start off with a trot then we broke into a run, my hair billowing in the wind. "Slow down your majesty!" I hear a voice say and I look around and find myself in Slytherin territory. Oops. "It's Queen Morgana to you King Draco." I laughed as I kissed him. "This'll sound immature but....can we play truth or dare with all the 7th years in Hogwarts? It'll be fun!" I rolled my eyes "sure. Slytherin today. Gryffindor tomorrow. Ravenclaw Thursday and Hufflepuff Friday." He smiled and got back on his horse. "Well, I'll see you in the great hall my lady." I sped into a run to the stables to put Sunset back. "F*ck I'm gonna be late!" I changed into some sporty clothes

 "F*ck I'm gonna be late!" I changed into some sporty clothes

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I may be a Ravenclaw but, I have Slytherin traits. "I'll see you later Sunset." I run off towards the school and enter the great hall to see sleeping bags, a buffet table, torches and all the Slytherins.

Hey guys! Next chapter is the truth or dare chapter and things get really fun! Bye for now!
Sailor ladybug out!

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