RST ~ Hikari and Kagura ~ | Window Seat |

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Stars. Light.

Even though it was the middle of the night, the stars in the dark sky were like tiny, little suns, dotted in the sky. So many little suns, definitely too much to count - At least, that's what Kagura said before she drifted into a slumber against one of the window seats of the Resshas.

As she slept, she felt something warm wrapped around her shoulders, it was a blanket, a green blanket - and someone had sat beside her, someone she knew very well, and she then lays her head on his stern shoulder.

Hikari, smiles softly at this, as he carefully wraps his strong arm around her, rests his head on top of hers gently, and soon, silently drifts off to a peaceful slumber with Kagura in his arms, beside the window seat.


Sorry it was so short! It's kinda of fluffier that way..
Hikari and Kagura are my absolute, favourite ship! I love how Kagura copies his actions and always cowards behind him and Hikari just being chill with it, while he watches over her and has her back - and they're perfect for each other since they balance each others' personality, its adorable!
Again, super short, but I hope you enjoyed reading it;)
~ SentaiMax

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