SSN ~ Yakumo and Kasumi ~ | Countdown |

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"I dare you."


"C'mon Yakky! It's just one ki-"

"No way!"

The flush that appeared on Yakumo's face kept rising, and it wouldn't stop until Takaharu, Nagi, Kinji would just shut up,

"He is scared of her!-" Nagi gets up from his seat to where Yakumo was sitting, and began poking at his shoulder,

"No I'm not Nagi-" Yakumo retorts, as he stands up and begins to walk away to the next room, only to be blocked my Takaharu,

"Ooooh, then why won't you just agree do it?"  Takaharu smiles mockingly,

"Are you kidding me right now Taka-nii!? I can't just-"

"Is this really Yakky?.. The Englishman, backing down from a small dare?.." Kinji removes his hat and does a circle around him, while Yakumo responds glaringly, positioning himself to be eye to eye with Kinji, and the two begin to bicker.

"But he's not an Englishman though.." Nagi whispers and and drops his head at let's out a sigh.

Takahuru barges in between the Cowboy and Magician, and crosses his arms, turns around and smiles broadly,

"Don't worry, he's gonna do it!-" Takaharu places a reassuring hand over Kinji's shoulder and Kinji nods wildly,

"Yakumo's gonna do what?.." Fuuka all of sudden walks into the dojo curious. Nagi skips to her side and whispers the dare that was given to Yakumo, and then soon grew wide eyes and a big grin,

"Oh yeah, he's definitely gotta do it!" Fuuka and Nagi lap around Yakumo synchronized,

"No! No, no, no, no-" Yakumo shakes his head and walks backwards slowly, only to be met by Kasumi,

"Yakumo-kun? Is something wrong?" Kasumi raises her eyebrows as she watches Yakumo's small panic attack,

"Kasumi-nee! I, uhm- nothing's wrong! It's just, erm, about tonight-"

"Oh yes! That's why I came here!-" Kasumi walks in front of Yakumo to face the others, "Minna, uncle says to prepare for tonight's countdown to New Years!" Everybody, other than Yakumo, excitedly cheers in response and begin to scatter in order to prepare for the New Year celebration.

"I'm getting fired uuupppp!!" Takaharu balls up his fists and shouts, as Yakumo drops his head down and stands in one of the corners of the room,

"This is not going to be easy-donno.."
11:56 pm

"Are you having a good time Yakumo-kun" Kasumi comes from behind him, resulting Yakumo's jump in surprise,

"Kasumi-nee.." Yakumo looks just past over her head, to see Takaharu and the others, giggling and gives him a thumbs up in approval to the plan,

11:57 pm

"I-I-I- am-" Yakumo decides not to raise his head,

11:58 pm

"Are you okay? You seem a bit off.." Kasumi lowers her head in attempt to meet his eyes,

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