Chapter 1- The charm

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Your P.O.V

It was Friday evening and you were sitting in your maths class. The rain pouring down outside, seemed like it was never going to stop. Was is weird that watching the rain fall made you tired? Anyway you felt your eyes drooping and in the next second you were face first into your desk sleeping.

Yoshiki P.O.V

You looked around and saw that (Y/N) was fast asleep on the desk next to you. You silently laughed to yourself. Of course you thought about waking her up but she looked so cute when she was sleeping. You turned around and saw Naomi and Seiko giggling and the teacher looked at then, making them point at (Y/N). 

Your P.O.V

-"(L/N) I hope you weren't sleeping!" The teacher shouted. Making you jump up.

-"Ye- N- No sir!" You said looking at Seiko and Naomi laughing. You flipped them off, making them laugh even more.

-"Well then? What did I just say? And don't flip people off in my lesson." He said.

-"You said... Ummm... (L/N) I hope you weren't sleeping?" You guessed. The teacher face palmed himself and continued with the lesson, while the whole class was snickering.

*Time skip to after class.*

-"Ok I need some students to stay behind after class and help tidy up the mess we made from the culture festival." Ms Yui said.

-"Ms Yui! I will!" Ayumi said.

-"Great! Who else?" Ms Yui asked.

-"I bet that Kishinuma, (L/N), Morishige, Suzumoto, Shinohara, Nakashima and Mochida would be happy to do it as well.." Ayumi said smirking.

-"Ok! Come on Shige-nee!" Mayu said.

-"I guess." Morishige said.

-"Ok!" Naomi said. Mochida then agreed and so did Seiko.

-"WHAT?" You and Yoshiki both said in unison.

-"Great! Then its settled. Don't stay too long." Ms Yui said.

Everyone else then stood up and left the room except all of the people who Ayumi called out. Well You tried to sneak out but Ayumi grabbed onto your collar and wouldn't let you leave.

-"Come on! You can't back out now." Ayumi said..

-"I never even agreed to this.." You said. Then Satoshi and Naomi shut the door. You were really stuck here.

-"Ok everyone sit around this candle." Ayumi said as she lit up a candle.

-"I thought we were here to tidy up?" Naomi said.

-"We are but I have an awesome ghost story." Ayumi said. "Mochida, can you turn off the lights?"

-"Uh... Ok." Satoshi said. He went over and turned off the lights. You liked Ayumi's ghost stories, even if they made you terrified. You went and sat next to Mayu and Yoshiki, your best friends.

-"I see that (L/N) decided to stay after all." Ayumi said, smirking.

-"Well I didn't know you were telling ghost stories." You said.

-"Is it just that?" Ayumi said. She knew you had a crush on Yoshiki, because when we played truth or dare at her sleepover. You just had to pick truth, otherwise dare would be to kiss him.

-"Y- Yeah! Now hurry up and get on with the ghost story." You said, getting embarrassed. Everyone looked at you weirdly and then turned back to Ayumi.

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