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Hola, I don't even know if anyone reads this but hi!

I just want to say.

I wrote this like what 2 years ago? When I was a cringy ass 11/12 year old? I'm not saying I'm not cringy now, but like I was really obsessed with corpse party back then and thought that swearing was like the best thing ever but had to be secretive about it because 11 year old me is not allowed to swear. 


If you didn't get the fact that i was like not updating for 2 years as a clue, I'm not continuing this story.



I also will not continue this account.

I have another one. (I don't know how to do the @ thing so I'll just say the name)


(TaeTaeLovesKookie backwards boi)

Yay self promotion boi!

I honestly will only post about BTS but I do have another Yoshiki x reader in the drafts but I also have like 15 vkook stories in the drafts so it will be a long time until that story will come out.

I would delete this whole story?

But i honestly can't be bothered.

So! Have a nice day if anyone is reading this, and auf Wiedersehen.

Goodbye forever!!! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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