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          Baz is furious about his grade in the assignment. He has threatened me at least ten times since the end of class. Normally I'd get mad and maybe punch him but I'm feeling super smug.

"Snow, I'm going to cut off your toes and gargle them in your blood." Baz says darkly. He looks like he's going to kill me, he'll probably try, the prat.

"Baz, do you hear that?" I say softly.

"Hear what?" Baz scowls.

"It's the worlds smallest violin and its playing a sad song just for you and your failed assignment." I emphasize the 'failed' part because I'm enjoying having the upper hand on Baz. The expression on Baz's face changes from depressed to angry. I don't really care, however I'm elated that I'm the cause of it.

But I don't have it for Long because swings, and his punch lands right in my gut.

It's just my luck that I am at the top of the steps.

Off I go rolling and bouncing down all of wattfords extensive amount of stairs. I let out little yelps as various part of my body hit the stairs.
By the time I'm at the bottom I'm so bruised and mad I don't even feel the pain.
I feel like I'm about to go off. The area I'm standing turns black and smolders.

What the hell Baz?! Punching me down the stair because you failed an assignment. He really is trying to kill me. I think back to the time in the wavering woods and I realize something very important. Baz didn't mean anything he said.

Not one single solitary word.

He actually hates me, and as much as he hates me, I hate him a thousand, trillion times more.

I'm about to charge up the steps to kicks Baz's arse when Penny rolls by.
"He's not worth it." She sighs. I'm about to protest and tell her that Baz pushed me down the stairs for no reason at all, when she shoves a scone in my mouth and drags me out the door.

I leave a smoldering trail behind me.
"Penny." I say through a mouthful of scone. "He pushed me down the stairs!" The scone is really good.

"He's done worse." Penny remarks. I don't have a comeback so I just and pout angrily.

"You need to get that going off thing out of control."

"I know, I know." I sigh. But I can't help it. There's really nothing I can do about it. It just happens.

"Let's go have dinner." Penny suggests. She knows she can shut me up with food.

God, she's the best. What did I do to deserve her as a best friend?
On the way to the cafeteria I spot Agatha and I almost fall over. Penny laughs because she knows who I'm looking at.

Agatha is so gorgeous. I dream of asking her out but Baz has been trying to fight me for her. He's so suave, he is so damn perfect. I hate it.

One day I'll do it.

Come to think of it a dance is coming up soon. I make up my mind to ask her once I've built up enough courage.

My bad mood from being pushed down the stairs instantly lifts.

I'm going to ask Agatha out and for once everything is going to go right.

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