Chapter 1| Clyde

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Today is the day. I knew it was coming up, of course I did. I always hated this day. It was one of grief and guilt. Of death and despair.

Today is the anniversary of my mother's death.

I have what's on her tombstone memorised.

Betsy Donavon
Loving wife, friend and mother.

It's all my fault she's gone. A stupid mistake I made as a child. A mishap. That's why she died. I feel tears prick at my eyes as I stare down at a picture of us together.

Mum's smiling in the picture. Her cheeks dimpled, brown eyes shinning and cheeks slightly pink. I inherited lots from her. The dimples, yet you can't tell I have them. I rarely smile. I got her brown eyes, her pink cheeks. She's smiling at me in the picture. It was on my third birthday. I'm blowing out the candles, and she's stood behind me. Her hands on my shoulders.

I can imagine her grip on my shoulders as I stare at the image. I imagine it's one of protectiveness. Mum always was worried about me. She always made sure I had my helmet when bike ridding. Always reminded me to look both ways before crossing the road.

The tears fall down my cheeks as memories of us together flash though my mind. There's so many great memories, but there's bad ones too. That cursed day she dies keeps replaying in my mind, and I sniff, and take the picture from my bedside table.

I hold it in my hands. My fingers brushing over the cool glass. I take a shaky breath, and take the picture from the frame. I gently place the frame down, and place the picture in my pocket.

For some strange reason, the picture comforts me. I wipe my eyes with my sleeve, blinking away any extra tears.

I grab my school bag, and head downstairs. Walking past the dinning room, I hear my dad's heart wrenching sobs. His cries almost bring tears to my eyes, but I push them back. I won't go to school teary eyed again.

Guilt eats at my insides, making my stomach twist and my heart ache. I grab some tissues from a box. It's been placed in the hallway because my dad knows of my tendency to burst out crying at random. He doesn't hate that I cry so easily, he tells me it's good to cry.

I hate it. I hate how I'm so emotional. How easily offended I am. What's worse is just thinking of how I am makes my eyes sting.

I shake my head, walking past my dad and out of the house.


Upon entering school, I decide to meet up with Bebe. She's my girlfriend of almost three years. I love her so much, and she means so much to me.

However, she hates my crying. Just when my eyes are glassy she gets annoyed. I have to tell her that today is the anniversary of her death, and maybe then she'll understand my tears.

I see her with Red and Lola. She's standing with them and talking. Her hair is twisted into a pretty bun today, her attire being tights, boots and a casual red dress. Her coat is over the top, which is black. She looks great. What am I saying? She's Bebe Stevens, she always looks great.

I stand beside Bebe, and speak.

"Bebe, can I talk to you privately?" I ask, my voice low so only she can hear.

She shushes me, placing a finger to her lips.

"It's rude to interrupt Clyde." She tells me, and I mumble sorry.

I stare down at my feet, waiting for Lola to stop speaking. I slip my head into my pocket, holding the picture. It's comforting, and stops me from wanting to cry.

Lola finally stops speaking, and I look up.

"Bebe." I repeat her name, and she sighs.

"Clyde!" She snaps. "I'm speaking!"

My heart races, and I sniff. Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, and I try to hold them back, sniffing ever few seconds. I return my gaze to my shoes.

Bebe groans, making me look up once again. "Stop being such a big baby Clyde." She complains, her hand on her hip.

"He's a big Crybaby if you ask me." Red adds, making Lola snicker.

"I agree. His eyes are red too. Why're you crying little boy?" Lola mocks me, bending down to reach my height. I hastily dry my eyes with my sleeve.

"Be quiet Red. You couldn't stop crying after watching Inside Out with me." I look towards the origin of the sudden voice.

It's a tall boy. He has black hair, which looks as if it's been ruffled. He's staring at Red with amusement in his bright blue eyes. His attire consists of a black shirt. There's a skeleton face on the front, and the words 'Get dunked on' displayed above the skeletons head. He's wearing blue ripped jeans and bright red converse.

Behind this boy, is another. He's not as tall at the black haired boy. He has blonde hair, clipped back by neon coloured clips. He's laughing, most likely at Red's facial expression. His green eyes shine, and long lashes frame them. His attire is a dark blue hoodie, grey jeans and boots.

Red opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off by another voice.

"Leave." It simply says. Another boy appears. He stands beside the blonde, and the three girls look upon this boy with pity in their eyes.

They leave upon his command.

The last boy is the same height at the laughing blonde. His grey eyes bore into the backs of the girls heads, giving them death glares. He's wearing an oversized pastel pink hoodie, black jeans and black trainers.

"Did you see the pity in their eyes?" The boy in the pink hoodie asks the blonde. He looks annoyed about their pitiful glances, and I look at him confused.

Why would they give him a pitiful look?

"Before you know it they'll get Token to throw you some sort of Pity Party." The blonde jokes, then laughs at his own joke. The black haired boy roles his grey eyes.

"I would burn his house to the ground."  The blonde places his hand on his friends shoulder, saying something I don't pay attention too.

That's because the other raven haired boy places his hand on my arm. I glance at him, and he smiles.

"I'm Kevin. That's Tweek," he motions to the blonde boy, "and that's Craig." He motions to the other boy. "Now, are you okay?"

With the words from Lola and Red running through my mind I shake my head. With watery eyes and shaking legs, I throw my arms around Kevin.

I ignore that he's a total stranger, lean my head against his chest and cry.


Craig and Tweek are totally wearing each other's hoodies if you didn't notice.

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CryBaby (COMPLETED)(South Park)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora